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I rolled over and turned off my alarm.Sorry don't mean to be rude.Im London Zhiloh-Smith.Im 19 years old,I live in New York with my Aunt and Uncle.My parents passed away when I was 11 from a house fire.Anyway I got out of the bed and proceeded to begin my morning routine.After I got out of the shower I put on some dark wash shorts and a sweater.I walked down the stairs and made coffee for myself and sat at my piano.Even tho it is six o'clock in the morning my mother and father always want me to keep playing.I started to play my favorite Mozart song.My mom played it for me all the time.I heard stirring coming from upstairs.

"Lo!Really?!?"My Aunt Sharee yelled from up the stairs

"I've been doing this everyday for 8 years!Get used to it!"I slightly chuckled

I heard footsteps and in came my uncle Ken.

"What's up alarm clock."He chuckled

"Hey Ken."I smiled

"Sharee isn't happy."He said

"Sorry but I have to practice.I know you guys are baby making but that has nothing to do with me."I said

He walked in the kitchen and started making breakfast.

"Mm you don't know nothing bout that lil girl."He said

"You are very right."I said

He chuckled and Sharee walked down the stairs.

"Goodmorning."I said

She rolled her eyes and pulled my hands away from the piano.

"Can I get some sleep just once?"She asked

"Well sorry."I said and got up to check the mail

I got a letter from NYU.I was going into my second year of college.My first year was socially horrible.No one even tried to be my friend and I didn't even have a dorm mate but my grades were good.I walked back in the house and Sharee and Ken were making out on the couch.

"Can you not?"I said

"Why don't you get yourself a boyfriend and stop being a party pooper!"She stuck her tongue out at me

"Whatever."I said opening my mail

I skimmed over it and the worst news I could ever get came to me.

"Dear London,
We are sorry to inform you that you will not be attending NYU this school year.Your financial aid has been terminated.If you can pay your debts you will be able to attend next semester.~Principal Baldwin"I read aloud with a tear streaming from my face

"What?I work two jobs for you to go to that school and your parents left you more than enough money."Sharee said

I sighed and sat back at my piano and started to pick up where I left off.Right when I'm happy life likes to mess things up.

"Lo are you okay?I can pick up another job."She said and Ken nodded

I shook my head."No it's fine.Maybe it wasn't meant to be."

She pulled my hands away from the keyboard and turned me toward her.

"C'mon you're my only niece.I don't want to see you upset."She said

Tears fell from my face more heavily now.She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me.I finally calmed down.

"Mom and Dad wanted me to go there and now what?"

"Everything is gonna be fine okay?We'll find a way."She said

I nodded.

"Im gonna go for a walk."I said

"Okay.Be careful."She said

I nodded and walked down the street to my parents graves.

"Hey Mom and Dad life pretty much sucks right now.I can't even finish out college.I miss you guys so much.I wish you were here."I shook my head

I got up and kissed their gravestones and walked back home.I walked in the house and Sharee was on the computer and Ken was getting ready to leave for work.

"I think I found a summer job for you."She said

"What would that be?"I asked

"Babysitting.Look they pay $1200 a week"She said

"A week?"I asked sitting next to her

"Yeah here call the number."She said

"Ok."I said and dialed the number

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