Chapter 6: New Life Through Death Pt: 1

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I had no time to react to the giant moon that was only clicks in front of me. I quickly attempted to use the solar thrusters that I had charged not long ago. But the blast wasn't strong enough now because the moon's gravity field had already taken the ship in. The only option was to use the gravity to sling shot the ship away from it. I angled the ship in a 45° angle and Prestarted the chemical engines for emergancies such as this. By now the ship was about 5 clicks away from the surface. I started the chemical engines and set the mileage at it's highest capability.

There was a sonic boom that I had heard following with my body being thrown back to anything that was behind me. The ship was first at the angle I had left at, but the ship had started to tilt at it's own. The gravity field had thrown me straight for the planet that could possibly harbor life. Since I had already set the mileage, and the ship would still move if I had done this, I shut off the engines and let the ship glide to the planet. I pulled up the holographic charts and calculated the distance and how much time it would take to arrive. It would take two hours to arrive in orbit around the planet. Enough time to prepare for a one man operation aboard the planet.

I went to the lockers that had numerous E.V.A helmets and suits. While I had searched for my name, I looked at countless others. All of those people didn't even live to even begin the operation. And what about my collegue? The very fact that she wasn't here with me made my lips tremble with sorrow. Without her I was truly alone. But I still had to keep moving, with or without her here.

I put on the E.V.A suit and filled the gauge with air. I had aproxamently 5 hours worth of air. Though I didn't plan staying a full 5 hours on the planet. I scanned the planet for any traces of air soon learning the air was breathable. When finished gathering my tools, I sat down next to the large window facing the stars. Again I saw a large sun and many celestial bodies. Space amazed me so much, it was almost like I didn't even care that I was alone. No one to hurt me, talk to me, nor start any conflicts. I guess I just drew fond to the fact I was alone.

I used Infrared scanners scan for heat signatures across the planet. Certain parts of the planet were way too cold for my suit to handle, but those cold spots were near the poles. There was a giant belt of ocean water. The ocean was way too deep for the scanners to scan through, but, I would have to see if there was life myself. I soon arrived near the planet's gravity field. I stationed an orbit that would maintain itself for my arrival back.

I quickly gathered my tools and boarded the separate craft that was used to travel to the scheduled planets. Since this mission was an exact 26 member crew each person traveling to the planets had their own separate jobs. Being the only person on board, I had to do 13 jobs by myself in 30 minutes. I first had to run diagnostics on the craft and check the gauges, ready the thrusters, detach the two spacecrafts, ready landing gear, man the retro thrusters, etc. As I began the operation, things already began to go bad. Ever since the Black-Hole incident, the instruments on the ship were severely damaged. I quickly decided to repair the instruments when I have safely landed on the planet. When I began to detach, solar wind from the sun had hit the spacecraft. Since the sun was massive, the solar winds packed more of a punch. Luckily I detached from the spacecraft, unluckily though, I was hurdled toward the planet.

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