~Quote I~

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Hope you guys like it :

When I Die,
When my coffin is carried away.
You must never think
I Am missing this world.

Do not shed any tears,
Do not Lament or feel sorry
I Am not falling
Into a monster's Abyss.

When you see
My corpse carried out,
Do not cry for my leaving,
For I Am not leaving.

When you Leave me In the grave
Do not say goodbye,
Remember the grave is,
Only a curtain
For the paradise behind it.

You will only see me
Decending into a grave,
Now watch me Rise -
How can there be an end,
When the sun sets,
Or the moon goes down

It looks like the end,
It seems like a sunset,
But in reality it is a dawn.
When the grave locks you up,
That is when your soul is freed.

Have you ever seen a seed,
Planted in earth,
Not rise with a new life?
Why should you doubt the rise
Of a seed named human?

Have you ever seen
A bucket lowered into a well
Come back empty?
Why lament for a soul
When it can come back?

When for the last time
You close your mouth,
Your words and soul
Will belong to the world
Of no place nor time.


~♠️𝓟𝓸𝓮𝓶𝓼♠️~Where stories live. Discover now