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After Snow White was born her mother passed away. Her father married a witch named Regina; Regina was jealous of Snow's beauty

Snow White: 

so Regina cursed Snow to look like this

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so Regina cursed Snow to look like this...

"What have you done to my Snow?!" asked king White

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"What have you done to my Snow?!" asked king White

"If Snow White's doesn't get a kiss from the most handsome prince in the world or else twentieth birthday this curse will be sealed! And I will be the fairest in all of the land!" said Regina and laughed evilly king White was shocked he held Snow's hand and started running

"Not so fast! Magichard, get him" ordered Regina the roots of the tree with the magic mirror's roots broke the ground grabbed king White

"Papa!" exclaimed Snow 

"Run Snow! And find the Fearless seven! They're the only one's who can help! Run Snow! Ru-" the tree raped king White's mouth, Snow started running

"Get her, Magichard! I need her to make the magic apple tree!" ordered Regina the root of the tree tried to get Snow but the tree could only stay in the darkness as soon as the tree touched the sunlight the tree root turned to ash

Snow White & The Fearless Seven's curseWhere stories live. Discover now