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So, yeah. This was originally titled Born To Be Wild but then I changed it because the current title is more fitting. Happy reading!

Chapter One.

T A K E N.

“She shoots, she scores!” I exclaimed as the ball flew past Zayn and into the wilderness

“Take that, Z.” I started jumping up and down as Zayn shot me a death glare

“Okay, fine, you win. Big deal.” He scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest, pouting

He looked like a little kid. So cute.

“Aw, come on, don’t be such a sore loser, Zaynie boy." I said, smirking.

I knew he hated that nickname. He’s gonna be so mad. Man, this is so much fun.

“You shouldn’t have said that, Victoria.” He stated, taking a step towards me

“What are you gonna d- Oh no, no, no, no!” I shook my head indignantly, knowing all too well what he had planned.

“Please Zayn, No.” I pleaded, stepping backwards

“Oh yes, here comes the tickle monster!” He exclaimed, as he tackled me to the ground

A scream escaped my lips as his fingers brushed my sides and he tickled me furiously.My screams and groans were ignored as he continued to torture me.

“Okay, I’m done.” He jumped up, pulling me along with him

“I hate you.” I glared at him while straightening my clothes

“I love you too." He grinned, blowing me a kiss as I rolled my eyes

I placed a hand on my chest, trying to calm my uneven breathing. God, I wish I wasn't so ticklish.

“Man, it’s getting dark out here.” Zayn said, after a few minutes of silence

“I told you, coming to the woods was a bad idea.” As if on cue a gush of cold air blew past me and the sky turned cloudy

“It's going to rain, for sure.” Zayn declared and pointed to the overcast sky

“Come on, let’s get outta here.” I grabbed his hand and rushed toward the direction of our car

We ran forward, twigs snapping beneath our feet and leaves of trees rustling above our heads. It was a creepy night, really. All the weird noises, the eerie silence, it was kind of starting to freak me out.

Wait, was that a laugh I just heard? God, this is scary.

I shuddered involuntarily at the thought of all the animals inhabiting this place. I mean,it was a jungle, after all. But animals don't laugh, do they?

“Did you hear that?”Zayn asked, glancing around as if he was looking for something specific

“Yeah. I did." was all I could reply

Just then a drop of water fell onto me.

Then another.

And another.

“It’s raining!” I exclaimed

“Come on, under this tree, quick!” Zayn ushered me under a huge tree

We sat under it and shivered, as the cold wind slapped our faces and the rain continued to pour heavily.

“This is not good.” I muttered, sighing

"Tell me about it." Zayn replied, wrapping his arms around himself to conserve his body heat

Suddenly I heard a crack.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2014 ⏰

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