Saving Penance

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Perhaps it was the thoughts clouding Amalia's mind that night that led her walking through the streets, as abandoned as they were at this time, she was never discouraged by the silence, but rather empowered. The years that had commenced since the sighting of a strange object flying over London, emitting a bright coloured exhaust, floating down to the earth, touching many people, she herself included.

Perhaps it was the overwhelming thoughts of the time her husband died, leaving her a widow, their jobs were perfect, hand in hand, she previously a baker and her husband the butcher. Maybe it was the day it happened. That day.

August 3rd, 1896.

Mrs True had just about had enough, she wanted some thug other than to be a widowed baker, perhaps that's why she was chosen, given a second chance when she'd given up on her first. She briefly stopped walking, closing her eyes, a hand on the wall as she gasped, a hand on her chest, it was almost as if she was reliving the moment, rethinking the decision, a painful one that would provide no more pain. She wanted nothing more than to leave, so she committed suicide, or attempted, for she'd walked down the secluded alleyway, dropping her basket on the ground, before jumping off a cliff, landing in the freezing water below to her death. She'd felt almost everything, the water filling up her mouth, desperately tring to breathe through her nose, the pain in her head grew and grew, like she was being suffoacted, slowly, painfully, as the oxygen was cut off, brain cells killing themselves, popping out of existence until she fell unconscious, drifting deeper into the dark water that surrounded her, until, her heart stopped.

And started once more.

The small little orbs given from the exhaust of the strange object touched many that night. And it touched her. She felt her life force spark to life. She opened her eyes and swam to the surface, climbing up the ledge until she was able to lay on the floor panting. She was alive, she'd survived, yet she did not know if she was grateful.

Mrs True opened her eyes, once again met with the street, she was walking for another half an hour unitl she stopped dead in her tracks, her mind flashing forward to the near future, it always made her unsteady on her feet, still not used to the effects, and it was only worse when she was in a bad mood.

She winced as she took in the scenery, immediately covering her mouth with the sleeve of her dress, holding her breath as she was in a house engulfed in flames, and al she could hear were the screams of another woman.

The vision ended, her hand shooting out to the side to steady herself, tugging her embroidered vest down a bit. "right." she mumbled to herself. These experiences, she'd come to call them ripples, she'd expereince them, have no control over when they came, and she could not change them. So, naturally, Mrs True was not looking forward to the following hours.

She walked some more, wishing she'd brought form of protection around herself for the harsh wind and lightening. She looked up at the sky, she could sense it, with no warning, a bolt of lightening struck the house beside her, barely giving time for Mrs True to shield her eyes from the bright flash, she frowned, but realised, perhaps she had time to go into the house, even as she watched the strike of electricity set fire to the victorian styled curtains of the upstairs room. Mrs True ran inside without hesitating, picking up the ends of her skirt. "Hello?!" she called out as she ran inside.

A woman screamed upstairs, one more of shock or surprise than fear, she carried on. Mrs True didn't know why this had to be her day today, but it was. She opened the door in front of her, avoiding using her hand on the doorknob, she could smell the smoke rising. "come on!" she said to a woman in the room, her leather gloves burnt with a few holes. Mrs True focused on helping the woman, trying to ignore that this was the room she saw in her ripple, the floor of the room littered with plastic toys and other items such as shoes, dolls and clothes. Even Mrs True knew the fire spread quickly, nor did she care, she reached into the room and grabbed the blonde woman, helping her to her feet, being cautious of the glass around her, shattered from the impact of the lightening.

Within moments, they were outside of the house, Mrs True had rushed back inside to trap the fire in one section of the house as much as possible, hoping the ferocious wind would put it out. Mrs True set the beautiful woman down on a box in one of the alleyways near to her house, where the incident just ocured. The widow immediately checked the other woman for injuries, all she could find were a few cuts and scrapes. "Hello." she said kneeling down in front of her, subconsciously holding her hand. Despite the odds, the blonde haired woman let out a small smile. "sorry, that was my fault?" she whispered, her voice raspy and dry from the smoke inhalation. "the fire?" Mrs True inquired, a slight raise in the pitch of her voice from curiosity. The other woman shook her head. "the lightening" she gulped, resting the back of her head against the wall.

"You're Touched?"

She nodded. "I am. It's a gift, I'm delighted to have it, but i was trying something new and i think i overstepped the mark." she mumbled almost incoherently, lucky for her, Mrs True was a great listener. Her hand went up to the other woman's dirty cheek, cupping it gently. "Look at me" she demanded softly, she did so, her eyes unable to focus, her complexion red from the heat invading her body. "You feeling drowsy? Disorientated? Maybe a headache coming on?" she questioned urgently, another silent nod came from the woman before she collapsed, her body lurching forward. Mrs True caught her quickly and carried her, walking as fast as she could towards the Orphanage that she'd been staying in for a while. Mrs True took the mysterious woman into a spare room and lay her on the spare bed, pulling the covers over her, letting her sleep.

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