Watering the plant

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   Love A strange way to show you that all of the right places in the world can come in one place, one person. A home that hold you together when the world falling apart around you. A feeling of warmth when you look in the eyes. Hang the words come out of their mouth as they surround you with the most awesome feeling. Love, is the feeling other touch covering your body with a shield from the world.

Loves you knowing how to fix me when I haven't found the broken pieces yet. Loving you was the scariest thing I've ever done in my life. But you prove to me that is the best thing I've ever done also.

You show me that there is a land of milk and honey and it's sweet sometimes sour but filling. You show me the grass may have not always been green but when you water it's vibrant colors appear. Sure, sometimes it's patchy and dry but then you just water it more, and nurture back to life.

You show me that the roller coaster of life that I always found scary is actually better when you look at The view from the highest point. Also that when it goes upside down it always is back over.

He took a world that have been neglected and nurtured it back to life. I took a person who found no meaning in life and gave it 1 million. You should've broken home how pretty it could be one fixed up the right way.
you challenge me to better myself, And sometimes I don't see that I see you trying to change me. But you see what I don't see. You see potential in a place where I see failure.  You see work that needs to be done when I see your finished project.

You got the door to get to the wall did I built up with many layers. I thought the bridge to get over the mountains trauma that you never caused. But you have to fix anyway. Even though none of the problems I face and I've had anything to do with you, you made sure that I never had a face them alone anymore.

I showed you a rainbow with six colors can you give me one with hundreds, maybe millions. You're patient. You're kind. You're caring. Your warm. And you're everything I never knew I needed but I did.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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