Remember Your Firsts

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"Shit!" I shouted loudly that everyone stared at me from my slip. And I'm ashamed of myself as hell.

"Aye," and then this guy walked towards me. He held his hand, "let me help you." he said with a smile.

I get his hand and he pulled me for me to stand.

"Thanks." I finally said when I got back on my own feet.

"No problem." He flickered that smile again. I felt my cheeks burning up. Holy guacamole; "By the way, I'm Robin." I felt his hand shake with mine. My cheeks burned some more, remembering my shameful memory loss that I forgot that our hands are still together.

"Corinth." I just smiled timidly. "Uh, again, thank you. But I need to keep going because I have my class," I searched for my wrist watch and, "in five minutes! Bye!" Shit. My next class is located in another building. AND IT'S A MAJOR SUBJECT AS FUCK.

"Whoa, Maria." The person leaning on our classroom's door murmured in shock. Kevin.

"Am I late?" I asked him when I got myself together after that exhausting run for life, quite panting. Whoo!

"Obviously not. And fortunately, Professor McGregor had an emergency meeting with our Dean." He said crossing his arms, smirking with a brow raised.

"What a relief." I took an enormous deep breath before we decided to go to our assigned seats.

"What are you up to?" Kevin asked, out of the blue, few minutes after we sat down.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Or maybe, the right question is, who are you up to?" I stared at him, looking more confused with my crinkling forehead and connected brows.

"What do you mean?"

"Seriously? Why are your cheeks brighter than those cherry tomatoes?" He, then, smirked. And I'm just like, what is he even saying?

"Oh. What the fuck, Leonard? You really managed to notice that, huh?" I said, one brow raised.

"Awe, someone's in love." He suddenly poked my right side, tickling, teasing me. And now I'm feeling strange.

"Can you not? And what are you doing?" I'm trying to stop him using my hands and he just voluntarily stopped.

"Will you tell me or nah?" He asked me with those convincing eyes, asking for permission. Well, if you see him right now, he looks just adorable.

"Okay okay." I said, raising my hands in surrender. "There's this boy who seems new to my sight, he seems new here. I just met him earlier this morning, before I got here actually." I continued, suddenly shy. I felt my cheeks recovering the heat it had earlier. Just looking down my knotted fingers, placed on my lap.

"Then, what happened? Please continue." He sounded like I, now, got his full attention.

"I slipped on a wet floor on the other building and it just happens that he's there and he helped me." I looked away when he laughed, slamming he's desk and stomping his feet in addition.

"Okay? I thought that cheeks are not an embarrassment act." He said after his recovery from that laugh.

"Well, that's the side story." I tilted my head on him.

"Leo?" While Kevin and I were talking about random stuffs, we heard someone called Kevin Leonard's attention. We, both, turned our head to the direction where the voice came out. And I froze.

"Robin?" Kevin's eyes enlarged in either awe or shock. He stood up and pulled my arm, forcing me to get up and greet "Robin" with him.

"Dude! Long time no see!" "Robin" pulled Kevin into a man-hug. They patted each other's back before they separated.

"Whoa, dude. What are you doing here?" Kevin exclaimed excitedly. Like they've been apart for a long time.

"I'll be teaching here, dude. The fuck." "Robin" answered Kevin with pure sarcasm.

"I mean, why are you here? Aren't you studying in Boston?"

"Maybe it's that saying."

"What? You little shit."

"Dude, there's no place like home." "Robin" winked and I, again, frozed. He suddenly looked at me, like he just saw me the entire time that they're talking.

"By the way, RJ, this is Corinth. Corinth, RJ." My eyes enlarged in full blast and I felt my cheeks burn, like hell, when he held his hand to me. Again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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