Chapter 1: A night at home

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It was an autumn night and Remus and Sirius were sitting in their London flat, the time was 11:48, Outside a cool breeze rattled the window frames and on they were both sitting on the sofa, Sirius lying with his head in Remus' lap, and Remus reading with a cup of tea by his side.

Sirius POV:
I looked up at the face above me. I admired every feature of his gorgeous complexion. His hazel brown eyes, his pink lips, his small nose, those mousy curls and his scars. To say he was pretty was an understatement. Remus lupin was drop dead gorgeous, but he was reserved about it, he didn't exactly go around flaunting his beauty but he also wasn't the type to not care about his appearance. I lifted my hand and rested it on his cheek, slowly rubbing it over his most recent scar.
I watched as he slowly lifted his head from whatever book he was reading and caught my eye, he put his hand over mine and pulled it to his mouth. Slowly kissing my knuckles, which were quite sore from fiddling about with my motorbike earlier.  He resumed with his reading but reached a hand down and run his hand through my hair, twisting it around his fingers. I had my head in his lap and I slowly rolled closer, hugging him tighter and I just lay there for a bit warm and happy.

Remus POV:
I smiled at the sight I front of me, my scary and loud boyfriend snuggled up in my lap. No one else got to see this side of him and I like it that way. It makes me feel special. I leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead, tucking his hair behind his ears.
I closed my book and moved my tea away,
I slowly moved so I was laying down beside Sirius on the sofa. As soon as I was comfortable he shifted and put his head in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around him and Inhaled the smell of him, he smelt like apples and raspberry. The exact smell of his shampoo and conditioner, I love that smell it's comforting, well anywhere with Sirius is comforting if I'm being honest.
I felt him smile in the embrace and mumble something,
I moved my head away
"Hm did u say something" I said gently
Sirius looked up at me with his grey green eyes, he had a smile on his face, the type that always makes you smile back.
"I love you moony" he said to me, still looking up at me.
"I love you to pads" I replied with a smile
He leant up and kissed the tip of my nose, then relaxed back into the hug.
I pulled him closer so he was half lying on my chest,  his mop of jet black hair tickling my cheek, I kissed the top of his head and lay back onto the sofa. I felt his breathing level out, "I love you padfoot, more then you could ever know" I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.

a small smile made it's way onto the sleeping boys faces, as they fell asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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