one shot

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It was snowing so much, a surprise to everyone since the island is normally warm and sunny. 

They were in their homes, resting or working on something, Jack returned to the nether hating the cold temperature, too bad for him, the snow was beautiful. Phil streched his wings and arms, yawning and laying in the nest he made with pillows and blankets, so comfortable. "Why are you taking so long? Just lay here." He turned his head to the avian, Tommy, he had shorter wings than him but was so tall. His face was red, from the cold? "Yeah, I'm already going, just- just let me- don't worry." Muttering, he walked to a chest taking a bottle of water and drinking it.

Shit, the "old man" is acting so clingy because it's cold, he trought, a little shy. Sighting, Tommy made his way to the nest, laying while hugging himself. "Relax, mate."

"Yeah, I'm chill." They stayed in silence for a moment, Phil closed his eyes feeling sleepy, but Tommy was too embarassed to stay quiet. "Old man, what do you think they are doing?"

"...Eh, don't know, working on their own things." The elytrian answered with a low voice, looking at him. "Charlie must be being small and shit, ba-hA-HA-"

"Yeah, this little shit." He chuckled, moving in the pillows pile to find a better position. "Fundy must be stealing something, dirty crime boy." Tommy continued talking.

"Stole all of my things..."

"Crow Father will kick his furry ass."

"Yeah..." Tired, Philza closed his eyes again, it was still a little cold... "Phil?" "Yes, Tommy?"

"What if- What if someone comes here and see me in a nest acting like a fucking bird and shit?"

"Well, we are part birds, so what's wrong with acting like a bird and shit?"

"I- I don't know, man, it's just- What if they make fun of us?"

"They won't, Tommy, they understand that all of us have or own needs." Tommy bite his nail, his white wings compressed is his back out of stress. "You worry too much, kid, come here."

"I'm not a fucking kid, I'm a big man-" Philza came closer to the boy, hugging him and ruffling his hair, shuting his mout. "Just be quiet, big man." Smilling, he felt Tommy's body relax little by little, his wings relaxing too.

"Let's just rest while this place is silent." Tommy nodded, hugging him hesintantly before concluding that this is, in fact, very nice. 

The avian rested his head in Phil's chest, closing his eyes. The petting in his hair leading him to sleep, and he did.

Sleeping peacefully, the avian and the elytrian had good dreams about more days with snow.

Later that same day a certain phanton entered the pub with a little chaotic man. "Sneeg, shhh. Let's not bother them." Wilbur whispered taking him in his hands and lefting the place giggling. "That was- cute?!" Sneeg said jumping to the ground and running around the translucent being.

"Super cute, but don't say anything about this to anyone, Tommy would kill you and them desintegrate out of embarrassment. Wait... thinking better, that would be funny!"


"Just kidding~"


what can i say, we all need some fluff content sometimes!

tommy and philza being cute birds go brrrr

just be quiet, big man (Origins SMP)Where stories live. Discover now