A somewhat new beginning

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It's been over 6 months ever since we all agreed that it was finally time for us to rest. Not a lot has changed ever since then. One thing that changed is the fact that I finally have my driver's license so now I can drive anywhere I want to go. Also Twilight and I are still an item but even closer than before, Rip healed from his injuries three months ago, and today is the day Sunset finally gets released from the hospital. Believe me you didn't miss much everything else is the same and yes the school is still burnt down. They made the decision to build us a new school but haven't gotten started doing so. The brunt ruble from the old school is still sitting where it was left over six months ago. We don't expect them to actually go through with building us a new school but it's what we have to live through. Anyway this chapter starts off with me at my home. I decided to go downstairs and talk to Jamie for a bit mostly because I didn't have much to do so I wanted to have a casual conversation with her. I found my mom sitting right next to her on the couch reading a really thick book.

Dante~ Hey Jamie, hey mom

Jamie~ Hi Dante!

Rose~ Hello what are you up to?

Dante~ Eh nothing much I'm bored so I just came to have a casual conversation. What are you two doing?

Jamie~ We were talking about how both you and I are gonna teach you how to control your power.

Dante~ Why? I have my chain necklace around my neck most of the time. I kinda already know how to use my power. Twilight has been helping me control my abilities. She's the reason why I can do over half the things I can do today.

Rose~ How has she been helping you exactly? It's not like she's a night owl herself. Well her mother is but we know Twilight doesn't have her mother's night owl genes in her.

Dante~ Just because she isn't a night owl doesn't mean she can't help.

Jamie~ If you ask me I think she's been doing more than just help if you know what I'm saying.

Rose~ Dante if you get that girl pregnant I'm kicking your ass.

Dante~ NO, ME AND TWILIGHT ARENT FUCKING EACH OTHER! Besides I don't think she's comfortable with doing things like that. I mean we hug snuggle and cuddle but sex isn't on our minds when we do so.

My phone began to ring.

Dante~ I got a message from the others they want me to go to Sunsets house most likely for the sleepover at her place.

Rose~ Are you and Rip gonna be there?

Dante~ Yeah everyone was shocked to hear that two boys would be cool with going to a sleepover that's mostly girls.

Jamie~ Why do I feel like it's not your first time.

Dante & Rose~ It's Not!

Dante~ That's a story for another day though. Anyway I have to get ready to go too Sunsets house I'll be gone in fifteen minutes.

Rose~ okay

I went back into my room leaving my mom and Jamie on the couch. I heard them talk about something but I couldn't hear anything they said. I decided to ignore it as if it was nothing important to me or anyone else. As soon as I walked into my room I grabbed a duffle bag and packed a blanket and a puffy pillow. I took a ten minute shower before leaving. The clothing I had on was really dirty because of the yard work my mother had both Jamie and I do yesterday and I needed to get out of them. I also had this weird smell leeched onto me and I knew I couldn't go to Sunsets place like this. After my shower I checked to see if I had what I needed and grabbed my necklace. I knew I wasn't gonna need it but I wanted to wear it because it's special to me plus I never knew what would happen. My mother gave me the necklace as you all know. Anyway Rip had already sent me a message that he was already there with four of the girls so sent him a message back and made my way to Sunsets house. I drove ten miles to get there, the traffic was hectic but it was worth it. I was excited to see Sunset out of the hospital for the first time in forever. I got out of my car and rang the doorbell a minute later the door opened revealing my best buddy Rip.

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