We don't see children in the same way

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A/N :  Before I begin I want to warn you that this story deals with sensitive topics, so if you are easily shocked, don't read, even I was uncomfortable at times.

I also want to warn you that NSFW content (in relation to sexual scenes) is not my specialty at all, it's rare that I write this kind of thing, so I apologize in advance if you don't like it. I did my best.

Also, don't expect to see a very nice Alastor, he is completely different from the one in Hazbin Hotel, I invite you to read Feed me by @klausrottman to understand a little bit better his behavior. OH ! and if you didn't read "feed me", this oneshot spoil it !Thanks to @klausrottman who allowed me to do this... "crossover" ? I don't know if you can call it that LMAO.

Well I think I said everything, good reading to you and please be safe! 

Moonless nights are dangerous nights, it is on these nights that dark magic is at its most powerful and demonic creatures can come out to torment mortal souls by taking advantage of the evil darkness such an event brings.

In this remote forest of the city, the wolves were always awake and stalking the poor unfortunate prey who had not taken refuge in their little homes. The poor beasts, if they were lucky, managed to climb to the top of a tree and escape the sharp fangs of the hungry beasts that were chasing them. Unfortunately, not all of them had the agility so precious to their survival, and many of them were caught and their limbs torn off one by one without mercy.

Not far away, a strange man was watching the scene of a wolf devouring what appeared to be a young fawn that had certainly had the misfortune to stray too far from its herd. When the wolf heard him, he turned towards him, showing his fangs, now red with blood, as a warning not to disturb his meal.

The man did not flinch, he remained perfectly straight, hands behind his back, chin raised with aplomb and pride. An almost unhealthy and inhuman laughter came out of his mouth making the wolf in front of him a little more suspicious. For the animal, this being that walked on two legs was not normal. Its very smell was strange. A mixture of deer, human and death.

The stranger in front of him suddenly cracked his neck to the side, his big red eyes lit up as a foul radio noise startled the animal and made him flee when he saw the man in front of him displaying a monstrously sharper jaw than his own, revealing a row of golden, deadly sharp teeth.

The man laughed again at the wolf's reaction, and then began to walk past the inert carcass of the little fawn. Although his stomach growled with hunger at the appetizing sight of the poor little animal's flesh, he was not going to be a freeloader.

Suddenly the demonic being heard something. His ears quickly perked up and his eyes quickly looked around for that unusual sound in a forest. It wasn't that far away.

He cautiously walked towards the origin of the noise that reminded him, without any doubt, of a child. His smile widened with a sinister laugh. Would there be a child killer in these woods? How sad... With a little luck, maybe he would be useful. His last victim was a waste of time, maybe this time he could find someone who could satisfy his endless appetite. His inhuman smile widened at the thought, he was already salivating, his legs unconsciously walking faster towards the source of the scream.

Unfortunately, it was only with bitter disappointment that he discovered a stream of blood and some pieces of flesh on the ground along with some remnants of clothing. The red and black haired demon silently walked towards the red tide on the ground, it was heading towards another side of the forest, as if the body had been dragged by an animal.

We don't see children in the same way (Alastor x Reader one shot)Where stories live. Discover now