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One of the major misconception of people around you is that they think that being English Literature major is easy. That English Literature is all about reading and writing, interpreting poems and novels. But no, literature is a lot more that, it's an art. An underestimated art to be exact. The way people look down at you just because you chose a course that is not related to science is, infuriating. You never really mind it at first, you are so inlove with the idea of having the chance to do what you love and gain a degree out of it, and it thrilled you.

Not until your Physics teacher asked you during one of your class, just days before your high school graduation.

"What major are you planning to take, Kim?" your teacher asked

"English Literature, Sir" you answered without any hesitation

And you can still remember how he laughed when he heard your answer. You were utterly confused that time wondering why a teacher would laugh at his student's dream.

"What's so funny, Sir?" you find yourself asking.

"Oh! it's just that you'll never get a real job with that major" he answered waving his hand at your direction.

You heard some of your classmates snickered at what your teacher said and it made your blood boil. You are just about to answer when your teacher spoke again.

"You're a brilliant student, Kim" He said gathering his things from his table "Try considering majors that are worth your wit" he said with a shrug.

"I think English is worthy, Sir" you answered clenching your hands at your side.

"It's such a shame then" He said before exciting the room.

That was the first time you got so angry that you nearly throw your hand at your teacher. Then you got into the university and maybe, maybe you should be thankful for your teacher's tactless comment. His comment somehow opened your eyes just a little bit on how majority of people look down at English majors. You cannot believe just how difficult it is to fight the stigma. You are already in your senior year and you will never get used on the looks that some students throws at you.

Especially at events like this, being the first day of the academic year it means another day of giving out flyers and encouraging students to join the Writer's Org. For English Literature major you honestly think that the name of your organization is way too lame. You cannot help but shake your head on how generic the name is, whoever might have thought of that name must have run out of creativity, because of reading and analyzing books too much.

"Hi, want to join the Writer's Org?' you ask with a smile, giving out a flyer to someone who passed by.

"Err... no thanks" the student said walking away.

You've been giving out flyers for an hour now and no one, as in no one have accepted your invitation. You are starting to get tired of it if you are being honest with yourself.

"What are you selling, Kim?"

Turning your head towards the direction of the voice, you saw Ahn Yujin jogging towards your direction. Her annoying smile plastered on her face, you immediately rolled your eyes at the sight of her.

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