"Grandma please tell me the story again." I asked my grandma.
"Haha ok sweetie! which one do you want me to tell you?" she asked
"The one about the wolves!!!! the one about the wolves!!!!" I said happily
"Ok then. the one about the wolves!" my grandma said while laughing."
"YAY!!!" I yelled while jumping with joy!
"Haha. long time ago in the woods to the east of our little town. There were things people called werewolves and they were said to be able to change from humans to wolfs and they rabble the through the woods and nobody really knows their there. They have been a mystery and they should always be just a mystery!" said my grandma while I sat on her lap.
This was my best memory of my grandma and specially after the whole max wolf thing. That's all I can't honk about. But I have been so confused these past days, and i decided not to go see max and I think it was for the best
But...... I do miss him!