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Chapter notes: the plot was inspired by a rainbow high confession I saw on IG, I really think they should've introduced Kia this way, and it's about time mga gave us the queer representation that we need!!!

"Hi I'm Jade, your roommate duh, and you are...?" She said anxiously as she tried to remember the other names on the sign. To which the pretty girl added, "I'm Bella", her tone providing a sense of welcoming. "Nice to meet ya!" they both exclaimed as they reached for a first bump.

Jade woke up from her oddly realistic dream about the first time she met Bella. It sparked a series of thoughts in her head, mainly questioning what school would've been like if Bella were there, what would their friendship have been like, and what was going to happen to Bella's future now. Worry started to grow on Jade uncontrollably, Bella hasn't even been answering any of her texts the whole day. It was like Jade's life was incomplete without her.

Jade could not help but replay her dream in her head throughout the course of her day. Though she was physically in class, her head was in the clouds. Her favorite memories of Bella were now tattooed on her mind. She knew what it'd do to her, but having some part of Bella with her would prevent her anxiety from coming back - Bella was the one who took it away after all. Jade was right, she was gonna have to deal with the pressure of rainbow high all alone.

Fortunately, some of her happiness began to reappear as she saw Bella's name pop up on her phone during runway class. She replied! If Jade was in her dorm she would've probably done a backflip on her bed from all the excitement. It wasn't until then that she realised the feelings she had for Bella all along were much stronger than she thought. Jade liked Bella as more than a friend - something that Jade found hard to believe since she had never felt this way about anyone before.

With Bella gone, Jade totally lost her chance of confessing her feelings to Bella, especially now that Valentine's day was around the corner. This made her so mad she wanted to punch Colin to let off some of her anger. With Valentine's day in mind, Jade knew she could not bail out on reaching out to her first love - even if there was only one way to do so. How hard could it possibly be? It's just a text. As soon as she tried to calm herself, Jade (the CEO of over thinking) was flooded with the 'what ifs'. The idea that Bella might be into her never crossed her mind, and Jade did not want to risk losing her only best friend, especially if the feeling wasn't mutual. But there was only one person that could help her find the solution to her problem.
"I'm all ears", said matchmaker Kia Hart inviting Jade to her dorm with open arms. "You're the man, Kia!", said Jade, making herself comfortable on Kia's famous chaise longue, "so there's this girl I've had a...special connection with ever since we got to Rainbow High. The problem is I kept my feelings on the low because I pretty much suck at showing how I feel, plus I don't know if she feels the same about me. She doesn't go to Rainbow High anymore, but I really wanna tell her how I feel even if it's just through text...I just don't wanna lose her". Jade sighed deeply. "Look, Jade. You might not know if she likes you too, but if you don't try...You've already lost her", said Kia with confidence in what she was saying. "Here's what you're gonna do: Try to find something that reminds you of how much you love her and ,like your creativity, the right words will come out! Do you like music?". "Love it", Jade snapped. "Perfect! I want you to sit down, take your time, and play the songs that remind you of your love for her. In this way, you'll purely express your feelings, no filter. K?". "Alright I'll do it", said Jade as she stood up to first bump Kia. "Good then, enjoy the rest of your day. And remember: relax! Tell me how it goes, though I know without a doubt it's gonna go beautifully", said Kia opening the door for Jade, the joy from helping someone out showing on her kind smile. "Thanks a million, Kia. How are you so smart?", asked Jade as she left. "I've seen a lot", snapped Kia ignoring the fact that she's been asked this question more times than Aiden has been asked if he's gay.
There she was, laying on the dorm couch, blasting some Billie Eilish, starting at the ceiling. "Okay", she said taking a deep breath as she grabbed her phone. Focused on the screen, she could feel the tension building up all the way to her fingertips. She couldn't help but wonder how did she go from finding her soul mate to being alone on the couch, starting at her phone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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