NOTE: This is the next day I hope you guys like this story so far.
It was a Saturday night Win asked Bright if they can go to the movies Bright said that a great idea lets go babe it should be fun how we make it a group date? invite your cousins to go with us since your parents already made to hang out with thoer parents. Win txted his cousins
Win:cousins do you guys wanna go to the movies?
Frank:I wish I can go but I cant remeber Im still grounded
Fiat: Im in Im going to bring Ouajun with me.
Nanon: Im in too Ohm is coming too tho.
Pluem: I have nothing better to do and Frank im srry you cant go.
Chimon:oh man I wanted Drake to come too. but I guess im in also see you soon.
Win totally forgot that Frank couldnt come so that means everyone is going to have fun expect for him and drake couldnt have fun Win than txted Frank telling im sorry that you couldnt come with us everyone felt bad for Frank. Win got a call from Gun saying that theyre not home and Frank is home alone "TO TELL PLUEM THAT WHEN COMES HOME TO MAKE SURE FRANK IS IN HIS ROOM". Win told his dad that he will tell Pluem I feel bad tho that Frank couldnt come with us which is not far Win said to his cousins their boyfriends Nanon added that his daddy Tay is over proctive when it comes to Frank which no one knows why Pluem said he got grounded bc he came home late again he wanted tell our parents but didnt have guts to.
The movie was over Nanon then decided to ask them since Frank couldnt why dont we go over there and have a movies night at my house?? Chimon also said the same thing since they have home theater it would be great Win agreed so did everyone else Bright chipped in by saying gets go buy snacks and stuff thats also a great idea we can also have a sleepover hopefully Uncle Tay or New wouldnt mind Fiat said Ouajun who was standing next to him not saying anything.
They got into the car they went to get food for Frank since he texted Win sating that he didnt eat anything. After Win got Frank's food Win got back into the car. Ouajun was the one who was driving which is great cause he drives pretty fast Bright is cuddling with Win, Fiat holding Ouajun's hand while he was driving and Nanon put his head on Ohm's shoulder and Pluem sitting on Chimon's lap. If dad knew wat we are doing right now we would be in big trouble Win told Chimon looking at both Pluem and Bright Uncle Off is little scary sometimes but he just doesnt want us to be like Gulf and Mew.
I tolally for got to finish this part. I kept you guys waiting I'm so sorry If you want more let me know. Thank you so much for reading this story.