Y/n's mum died and her dad has had a secret lover for months, but little did she know, her dad's secret lover's son, was y/n's bias from the band BTS.
"Y-you?!" y/n says shocked
He leans down to her face, noses touching. she closed her eyes.
"Yes, M...
I was reading my book. Fifty Shades of Grey, I am y/n and I'm 18 years old. My mum died a week ago and my father has already moved on. I put my book in my backpack as he calls my name in the empty house.
"Y/n! Get down here, we gotta go and meet up with my Jagiya and her son!"
"Coming Dad!"
I was wearing a simple outfit;
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I run down the stairs and take one good look at the now empty house, that held many memories.
"Come on, let's go"
I sit on the passengers seat next to the driver and I go on my phone. I scroll through Instagram where there was some news on Suga from BTS, he was taking a year off due to family issues. Damn, no new songs for a year 😭.
Suddenly the car stops and a beautiful woman walks out of the mansion, my dad looked love sick as he unbuckled his belt and hastily got out of the car to greet her. I took it as my que to get out too. After their make-out session in the driveway, she turns her attention to me as a pale boy with brown hair walked out.
"Hello, y/n dear, I'm Mrs Min, but you can call me mum"
"Okay, t-thank you"
"Aw, Richard (your dad) she's so cute!"
"Hey, Jagiya, why don't we talk inside, Yoongi can show her around"
They walk off, I look down and sigh, lost in thought. Suddenly someone clears their throat. I snap my head up and crack it painfully.
"Ow" I mumbled looking back down to rub my neck. I look back up to meet a familiar pair of brown eyes. Min Yoongi's eyes.
"Y-you?!" I say shocked
He walks close to me and stops when we were just inches apart, he bent down to my level (I'm not that short). Our noses touched and I could feel his breath on mine. I close my eyes, nervous that I was just imagining Suga, my bias from BTS, my idol, was standing Infront of me. The warmth was gone and I open my eyes, he moved away.
"Yes, me" he scoffed
"Yah! What was that for?!" I yelled
"What? I scoffed because you closed your eyes, what did you think was gonna happen?"
"N-nothing" I say looking down blushing.
How great, my first encounter with my crush and bias is a total disaster. But I can't like him, he's going to be my brother, and liking your brother in that way is so not okay. I put my backpack on, and grab my luggage from the boot of the car. The chaffer drives off. I sigh.
"If your done having a pity party in that tiny head of yours, then let's go, I have better things to do with my life than take a 14 year old to her room" Suga says leaning against the front door frame.
"First of all, I'm not having a pity party, secondly I'm 17 almost 18, so watch it! And thirdly, I can find my own way to my room" I retort to the smirking boy
"Okay" he says walking inside the house leaving me dumbfounded.
I walk inside after him and shut the door. There was 3 floors, the kitchen and entertainment area on the first but the other two... I don't know.
"Appa?!" I yell
"네?" He replied
"Which floor is for the rooms?"
"The 3rd floor, wait isn't Yoongi supposed to tell you that?" "W-well um..-"
"I was, but she was stubborn and said she could do it herself" a deep voice cut me off from behind
"Aish y/n, don't be hard on him!" Dad says
"Sorry Appa" I say
"C'mon, d'you wanna know where you sleep or not?" Yoongi says
"Fine" I mumbled and walk after him.
Finally, I arrive to my room, it was beautifully designed, and I was jungshook. It had the swag Suga vibe to it.
"You like it?" A now familiar deep voice says behind me I jump and threw my elbow backwards
"Ow!" I turn to face the voice, I was redder than Jins ears when he's embarrassed.
"S-sorry, you scared me!"
"Note to self-"
"Kids come downstairs now!" Our parents call from 2 floors below.
"Coming!" We yell in unison
We race down the stairs. I see my father's and mother's face, this doesn't look good, if their happy. It never is.
"So, kids" mum starts off "Your father and I are going to go on a trip for two weeks or maybe longer because of work"
"Wait what?!" I yell
"Y/n!" My dad says shocked
"I'm not going to be home alone with this-this alien weirdo!"
"Y/n! That's not nice to say, and you know between the both of us who this young man is. Isn't he the guy that your a die hard fan of?? So what's the problem hm?"
"He's the problem!"
"You know what? We're not having this argument! Your so childish, for once when I'm happy you have to ruin it for me?! You are the worst daughter! You wanna know why your mother died? Because of your complaining, she felt as though she wasn't good enough for your or me and she commited suicide y/n! She took her own life because of YOU!"
Tears were streaming down my face. I still hadn't gotten over mums death. I ran out of the house and kept running, I didn't have my phone in me or any cash. All I knew was to go to TaeJoons house.
Authors note; Okay so I may be not a regular updater, I am sorry but I get side tracked and I've got school, and I have homework, it's assessment period so I have to do extra studies, please be patient I love y'all🥺. I dunno what to call you guys so I guess you'll be Pixies?😶 Look my real name is a J but I prefer the name Scarlette -or Scar- or Rose, idk.🤷 Their cool names I hope you guys are enjoying the FF. Please vote, ik I sound desperate but that's because I am 😅