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Hey guys this is my first "Book" on wattpad so if the grammar is bad that is why. I also wanted to state that I am in my 2nd year of highschool so I will try to update every week. I will post the first real part later this week. I just have to replay the 3rd season again (or at least some of the 1st episode). Im going to use E/C as Eye color. S/C as skin color. H/C as hair color. I do not know alot about gun's so if anyone see's a problem with what I say please try to correct me and I will edit it. I will put the Shirt, Pants, and Shoes down below. I really hope you guys enjoy!



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I havent decided if I am going to make Y/N start with a gun or have him get one later

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I havent decided if I am going to make Y/N start with a gun or have him get one later. But I will state it when I start the first chapter. Have a good day!

Clementine X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now