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Hey everyone!

So first things first is that I'm sure most of you have noticed that My Pet got taken down...again...despite the warning in the front of the book haha. But oh well. At least this time I had it saved somewhere separate. I'm making this little page right here with the intentions for two things:

1) Updates! I will leave new updates with the date before them as I have them right below this -

4/28/21: Just like this! So far I don't really have anything past what I've told you guys already on my profile feed. I was in the process of editing and changing things in the story for another release or redo or whatever when the version here got taken down. So I'm not sure whether to just post the old one somewhere, do the edits and post those somewhere, just finish editing it and put it somewhere, etc haha. If you have suggestions let me know!

5/24/21: Hey guys, so here's a shitty update, my life has gotten super crazy and unfortunately this story and what to do with it has taken a back seat. It's still on my list of stuff to take care of, but its not the top priority. I hope this changes soon and that I can come up with another place to publish it or something, but until then...it's having to stay stagnant.

7/17/21: Good News!! Editing has begun (Again)! Also I wanted opinions. I miss interacting with you guys so I was thinking what if I post the unedited version that's already done here again, but also on some place like discord (no clue if that's a thing we can do because I don't know much about discord 😅). This way it's here for easy access but if it goes down again then it's somewhere else while I work on the edits? No idea, I'm just in a very inspired mood right now haha

7/29/21: Story is about halfway edited. Hopefully I keep up the pace and it'll be done soon!!

8/27/21: So I forgot to update yall on this because things were hectic, but my job got robbed a few weeks back and we lost all our inventory (it happened when no one was there, so we're all okay). It's been super crazy dealing with that but it should be slowing down soon and I can focus back on the important stuff haha


2) Questions!! I Figured this would be the best way to have them all in one place this way we have less over laps and such. If you have a question about anything really, (The story, the process, theories, etc) go ahead and leave them as a comment on this lil paragraph right here and I'll work on updating a list down below of all of them! I know without the source material that might be a lil hard, but at the same time it might help us all come up with ideas to get My Pet (name subject to change actually) up and running! If there are questions I won't/don't want to answer I'll still add them below and give the best reason why (Mostly probably will be like spoilers and stuff for the future or just things I'm not comfy answering but that one will probably be rare). So ask away, have cool conversations, and be respectful of one another! Discussions are cool, insults are not!

Q: Do we know what happened to James' mother?

A: So I can't recall if it was mentioned in passing or not, however James' mother is dead. This part wasn't specifically stated, but she died from an illness.

Q: What made you want to do parts while publishing them on wattpad instead of full chapters?"

A: Back when I wrote fan fiction I would naturally make my chapters about 2-2.5k works long, sometime 3k if I needed it but I didn't like going longer than that because I felt like people need breaks for their eyes and I know I like them for my brain when reading (even if I go to the next chapter immediately I like to be able to digest the last little bit I read). When I came to Wattpad I tried to stick with that tactic and there was a little guide suggestion that was like "Hey most people read on their phones, try to make your chapters 1.5-2k words long because of this!" So I took that advice and merged it with what I was already doing and so thats how the Days became parts instead of just one single chapter so they weren't like 8-10k long haha

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