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"Someone took my money!" The merchant exclaimed. Keertan smirked, walking away from the man- money in hand. Stealing is a crime- Keertan understands that, but one will do whatever it takes to survive.

He was six or seven when he first stole. The marketplace is always crowded. Little Keertan had no food, and he was starving. Keertan strolled up to a booth that sold fruits. He cautiously watched as the owner of the booth talk to two middle aged women about prices and such. When the time was right, Keertan quickly took two apples and put them in his satchel. Ever since then Keertan has stolen anything and everything he could get his hands on.

Passing multiple booths, Keertan looked for easy pickings. He was too tired to care about going after the harder- more fun stuff. 

Eventually, his eyes landed at the pastry booth- or more specifically, the two girls at said booth.

He eyed them up and down. On of them had dirty blonde, shoulder length hair. The other had curly purple hair that went past their shoulders.

The two looked about Keertan's age. However, these girls looked like they had money- big money

The blonde wore a purple regency dress, it seemed to have some type of gold embroidery. The other, wore a royal blue regency dress that had a black band around her waist.


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Keertan decided that it couldn't hurt to approach them. Maybe they'll have something worth taking, and he could sell it on the market.

Walking up to the two, he pretended to look at snickerdoodle cookies- trying to eavesdrop on the two's conversation.

"Sammy, we don't need so many sweets." The purple- haired girl said.

"Oh, nonesense," replied the blonde. "There's no such thing as too much sweets, Bella."

So their names are Sammy and Bella. Keertan noted.

"Pardon me, Sir, may I look at the snickerdoodles?" asked Sammy.

Keertan didn't reply. Instead, he walked over to the side- letting the blonde take his place.

Getting a closer look at the blonde, Keertan eyed a seemingly very expensive clip in her hair. It seemed to be made of some type of gem. It was purple, and had gold flakes in it. All he had to do was wait for the right moment, and then he would quickly take the clip, and make a run for it. It's not like he hasn't stolen something from a rich person before. It just takes more effort. Effort that Keertan suddenly gained when he thought about all the food he could buy from selling the clip.

The girl reached up to pick up the snickerdoodle cookies and add them to her box full of goods. Keertan saw this as his chance since she was distracted. He quickly reached out to grab the clip in her hair. Right when he was close to touching it, a hand grabbed his wrist- stopping him.

Keertan turned his head to see a boy his age staring at him. The boy had black, curly- hair, piercing light blue eyes, and thin lips.

"Stealing from royalty is punishable by death." The boy's smooth voice caught the blonde's attention. She turned her head to see the scene in front of her.

Keertan scoffed, "Royalty?".

The boy squeezed Keertan's wrist tighter, "You will not speak about the Princess in that tone.". The boy's face was stern.

Keertan took a minute to actually gaze at the boy's outfit. The boy wore a purple doublet, it had the same embroidery patterns as the blonde girl. But what caught Keertan's eye, was the sword that hung on the left hip.

Only then, did Keertan realize how much trouble he was in.

"I don't think he meant to say that to the Princess, Archie." interrupted the purple haired girl.

Keertan stammered, "Yeah, I didn't mean it. Sorry, your highness."

The blonde stayed silent, "Let him go, Archie."

Archie thought for a minute- seeming about to argue with her, but he just sighed. "Yes, Princess."

Archie let go of Keertan's wrist.

Now, there's two ways this could have gone down. Keertan could've been a good boy- and left. He could've went on with his life and forever be grateful that he was let go. However, Keertan was a stubborn ass, and he really wanted that clip. 

Before leaving, Keertan quickly reached out to the princess' hair. Grabbing the clip, and running off. Archie wasn't quick enough in his attempt to stop him. The two girls just stood there, shocked.

"Thief!" Archie screamed.

Keertan ran so fast he could barely feel his legs moving. Knocking people out of the way as he attempted his escape. He could hear Archie behind him, running and yelling at him to stop.

Keertan successfully stole from the Princess of Estelle- or at least he thought so. Tripping on someone's foot, Keertan fell face first onto the hard ground. He suddenly felt his hands behing held behind his back. He tried to move, but whoever was holding him still was strong.

He heard Archie panting as he caught up to him and the mystery person holding him down.

"He stole Princess Samantha's clip." said Archie.

"Well that was incredibly stupid." replied the mystery person.

Archie laughed, "I know, right. Come on Danni, let's take him to town jails."

Suddenly, Keertan was hoistered up. He finally caught a glimpse of who this mystery person was.

"I got held down, by a girl?" Keertan hissed. 

Danni kicked behind his knee, making him fall. "First of all, I can gut you in six different ways. Second, I'm not a girl. Third, fuck you."

Keertan thought he should probably shut up. He didn't want to get beaten up by this person anymore. He wanted to seem tough, but really he was pissing his pants. 

"Okay," said Keertan, "I'm sorry.".

This only made Archie laugh harder.

Once they got back to the two girls. Bella took part in bullying the poor thief, while the princess stayed silent- too lost in her thoughts.


Dayum what could Shawty be thinkin abt? 


dan-chan saved the day :D

you guys will know more about archie later on. I'll just let you know he's danni's brother and yea.

chapters 1 and 2 will be out tmrw dont worry.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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