Chapter 1 A Child? And a Monkey?!

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A/N HaaHaahahaha!! Chapter 1 here we go! Remember any comments are welcome! Hope you enjoy!

   Darkness. All you've known was darkness. The empty numbness has become an ever present friend. Nothing else but darkness has kept you company.

   The darkness that had shrouded you, pervaded your entire being, had finally lifted.
What happened? Suddenly everything the darkness kept at bay began rushing back. The senses you thought were gone came back full force.

Everything's too much.....I can't..I can't...

  The light that entered seemed to leave as quickly as it came. The darkness you had grown accustomed to, began to come back.

No!.....No...Not again...NeVeR AgAiN!

    Panic arose in your chest as you struggled to fight off the creeping darkness. Your body weighed with heaviness, the first feeling you've felt in you don't know how long.

   Your heartbeat pounded in your head. You could make out a distant muffled noise, was it to the left of you or above? Your ears ringed as the noises came to a stop.

   You take a breath and find yourself coughing. Your eyes sting as you open them, it's dark above you but you can make out tendrils of light between cracks.

    Reaching out a hand you break the sky—No it was rocks! The heaviness wasn't from your body, you were buried under rocks! You quickly lean up and find yourself surrounded by rocks in the remains of what appears to be a cave.

     Adjusting to the light filled cave, your eyes make out chains going from the ceiling. Somewhere in your mind you can recall seeing them before, but your mind is muddled from the recent experience.

The sound of a yelp in front of you draws your attention to——is that a small man hanging onto a chain? Wait-no-that's a child?! What's a child doing here?!

   The chain continues to sway back and forth as you find yourself looking at what appears to be a troll? Why would a troll be here and why does it look like it's been beaten?

   Determining that this place is too dangerous for a child, you stand fully out of the rubble. Making your way to the still dangling child you reach out your hand, not expecting the child to flinch away.

    Pausing, you gently grab the chain with your tail. Pulling the young boy closer, you softly say,
"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. Are you alright?"
   The boy must not have expected the comment as you notice he appears to be surprised. Movement from behind him reveals big brown eyes-Another child?! And it's a baby!

   The baby regards you with a curious look before giggling. The boy having come out of his trance looks back at you and says,
"I'm-I'm fine."
   Looking closer it appears the boy has snot coming out of his nose. He sniffles and it drops into the mouth of a troll. Both you and the boy make similar faces of disgust.

"Come here."
Gathering the boy and girl in your arms, you begin to make your way gracefully through the numerous troll bodies. As you make your way to the opening your mind ponders on just what or who could've done this?

  Passing through the opening, the sunlight warms your body. Breathing in the air, you sigh out from the peacefulness. Looking down at the two children you find both already looking up at you.

    Gently smiling you lower the boy down to the ground. Once his feet are fully on the ground you kneel to his level and ask
"And who, may I ask, are you?"

    He smiles exclaiming,
"My name is Jiang Lieur! I'm a monk."
He stops and then mumbles something about a Sifu? Before he looks back at you and asks,
"I'm sorry I forgot to ask for your name?"
Looking at him softly you state,

    His shout of surprise startles you.
"Is everything alright?" you asked. Nodding Lieur begins to stare at you in awe before you gently knock on his head.
"Heh. Anybody in there?"

   He grins before you both notice the babbling baby reaching for your tail. She squeals with glee as your tail tickles under her chin, causing both you and Lieur to chuckle. You look to the baby girl before Lieur and ask,
"And who is this?"

    He looks at the baby in the basket before saying,
"I don't know that but she is from my village. I rescued her from those nasty trolls and I'm trying to bring her back to her family!"

   You laugh lightly and say
"I'm sure you will! This young one is very lucky to have someone like you looking out for them."
Lieur's face breaks out into a bashful grin as he laughs softly.

    You look at Lieur and say,
"Now tell me, what is a child like yourself doing in a cave filled with mountain trolls?"
He states,
"I was running from the trolls after this little one, when I entered that cave."

   Lieur begins retelling you his journey so far. His speech becoming faster with each new part, you couldn't make out; though you did catch the phrases tiny groundhogs, peaches, and a monkey?

   His smile fades as he suddenly exclaims,
"The Monkey!"
Lieur begins looking around quickly. Before you could question him what was wrong, a distant scream could be heard. Looking up to the sky you and Lieur make out a falling figure.

     Lieur begins running after the figure. Looking back he claims,
"Y/N Come on! Hurry!"
Before he runs ahead. Caught off guard you shout,
"Lieur! Wait! Don't run off alone!"
You frantically stumble after Lieur and the baby.

    Panic wells inside your being when you quickly lose track of them both. Climbing into the trees you jump from branch to branch until you reach a gorge.

   Spotting Lieur and the baby peering behind a rock, you quickly reach them and gather them close to you. You grab Lieur and the young girls faces looking for any harm, before you start to speak.
"Why did you just run off! You could've been hurt or worse both of you could've been-"

    Lieur cuts you off with a quick
"Shhhh!" Before he points towards the gorge,
"Down there is the monkey that fought off all the trolls in the caves."
You pause at what Lieur told you while he peers back around to look.

    For some reason your mind recalls you being in the cave for a purpose.
What was I there for? And whose the other monkey?
You were too far in your head to hear the monkey ranting aloud, but Lieur did.

   Turning back around and gasping, Lieur exclaims,
"Great Sage Equal to Heaven?!"
Your eyes widened as the world around you appeared to stand still. The Great Sage Equal to Heaven! That's my beloved! My Wukong!

               ———-End of Chapter 1———-
A/N Heheheheehh! We finally "see"some Wukong in the story! Reader better hurry up and go get her man(or should I say monkey?....No? Alright I'll let myself out) See you in the next chapter!

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