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Fitz showed up at your front door on Saturday morning with his hands full. In his right hand, he held a pair of gloves and a shovel. In his left rested three packets of vegetable seeds and four packets of flower seeds.
"Hey, y/n. I was thinking we could plant a garden," he said with a soft smile as the door swung back to let him in.
"That's a bit random," you replied, grinning in return. It was around nine o'clock in the morning, and you planned on spending the rest of the weekend in your sweatpants watching Netflix. But when adventure called, you decided not to let it go to voicemail. You'd pick it up right then and there.
"A garden?" you said incredulously. Fitz was a man of science - engineering, to be precise. Certainly not botany. Your (e/c) eyes were wide as they examined the things he'd brought over. You looked back up at his face and said, "Well, I know you love science, but I didn't think you were really into plants. What made you pick these up?"
He shrugged. "I dunno. I was just at the store, and you know, it's springtime, so they had all those..." He bit his lip as he tried to find the right word. " tools and seed packets up by the front, because it's the right time to plant things. But it looked like something fun to do, and I thought we could try it out together. It's about time I got out of the lab for a while." He laughed. "Do you wanna give it a go with me?"
You nodded eagerly. If the idea of gardening made Fitz happy, it made you happy. "Sure, I'd love to! Where do you think we should plant it all?"
He placed his seed packets, shovel, and gloves on the little table beside the door, and then reached up to put a hand on his chin. Shrugging, he answered, "Well, I don't really have a backyard, because of my apartment. But this is a house, so... You do have a backyard, don't you?"
"Of course I do," you laughed.
"Could we do it there? That way you can always go out there and see it."
"Sounds great!" You picked up a few of the seed packets Fitz had left on the table and led him to the back door.


"Right," Fitz said with a short sigh, his arms moving into that adorable hands-on-hips thing that you loved. "The first thing we need to do is dig a few little holes in a spot where the plants will get adequate sun and water."
"How about right over here?" You knelt down in a patch of grass close to your fence where the sun's rays shone every morning.
"Yeah, that's good, (y/n!)" The two of you took turns with the shovel and dug several small holes. You opened one of the seed packets to plant the first one. Tapping the little paper envelope so that the tiny particles could come out, you tipped it into Fitz's gloved hand. He then placed them in the ground. You spread a layer of dirt over them and he patted it down gently.
"Now what?" you asked, wiping your (h/c) hair out of your eyes.
"Now we need a little water. Hand me that watering can?" Fitz requested. You nodded and passed it to him. A smile lit up your face as you watched his delicate movements. Carefully, he turned the spout downward and watched, waiting for the water to trickle out in a weak stream so the seeds wouldn't get overwatered. When the liquid came out, he waited a few seconds tilting the watering can back up and moving on to the next seed. You could see his determined he was to do this right. Did he just like doing this sort of thing? Or was he trying to impress you?
"You're pretty good at this," you said in awe of Fitz's meticulous attitude towards caring for the plants. "I had no idea you would be!"
He smiled as he watered the last seed, and then looked up at you. "Yeah. I guess I really like, you know, helping things grow." A hint of pink appeared in his cheeks.
"I like helping things grow too," you responded, fiddling with the watering can spout. You smiled as you looked at the ground. Yes, you enjoyed watching things blossom. Including your relationship with Fitz.

Leo Fitz x Reader (Series of Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now