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Chloe's POV:

        A loud clap of thunder resonates after the lighting strikes the dark sky. I close my eyes shut and clear all the wild thoughts racing in my head.

       I walk further ahead into the abyss, away from the asylum. The cool breeze of the weather instantly soothes my nerves down. I walk past the bushy trees, lost in my own world, under the sky that seems to be roaring with thunder.

Rain starts to drip, the sky synced with the storm raging in my head. I shut my eyes tight, silent tears falling, masked behind the cold rain. A shaky breath leaves my dampened lips, followed with a sharp sigh.

I should just head back inside. But my heart seemed to find solace in the darkness.

"Tsk.." I turn around, deciding to go back.

      Out of nowhere, a tight grip forms around my arm, pulling me back into the depths of darkness. My brain freezes, unable to process the alarming situation. 

        With a loud thud, my back collides with the rough surface of the tree and a sickening pain shoots over my lower waist. A low groan leaves my mouth but it was instantly, covered by a rough hand. 

The situation slowly sinks in my head, and I realize one arm held me down, caged while the other shut me up. Regardless, I try to scream and kick away but to no avail. I can feel my stomach forming knots in panic. 

I know I made terrible mistakes in my life, but this one, taking a walk further away from the secure grounds of the building seemed to take the cake. Regret and fear settles in my chest.

     It's so dark to make out anything or my assailant. Sweat beads start to appear on my forehead. I blink vividly, to clear my vision and try thrashing away once again but the person wouldn't budge.

A loud thunder echoes in the night, my heart synced perfectly with it.

     The lightning strikes the dark veil and my eyes bulge out in terror when I spot the silver knife gleaming in his hand as it shines under the lighting.

    No one will be around here at this time to help me. There's no way my screams can reach the asylum either. Its too far away.

   "Calm down, you don't wanna die right here, do you?", came out a low sadistic voice, with a hint of light chuckle.

     The stalker is a woman. I swallow the pulp in my throat, blinking fiercely trying to get a look of the stalker only to notice the hood covering her identity.

      Another clap of thunder echoes in the cold night. This time a sick shiver runs down my spine. I stand there caged and petrified. Even if I manage to loose my way out of her grip, I wont make it far in these muddy grounds.

She giggles,

    "Tsk, tsk, if someone like you were to die today, it wont make any difference to anyone would it?"  Her hand leaves my mouth. I gasp loudly but still right away as she pushes the silver cold metal against my warm neck.

A hiss leaves me as the knife sinks deeper. I feel the blood trickle down but my body turns cold. She continues, 

"But maybe you could be some use. How about we start with that cabin of yours, eh?"

 My mind grows numb as I stare back at the dark shadow towering me.

    How does she know about the cabin?

     I never spoke a word to anyone about my hazy memories or much about my amnesia. Most importantly she knows whose cabin it is. No, she knows about my amnesia, she knows more than just that..

    Taking my silence as response her voice pipes up, provoking something in me.

    "Oooh ho ho, how about I tell you what that Night Of February held.. and maybe about your parents." My heart skips a beat hearing her words.

     19th February, when my entire world flipped upside down.

    A sadistic laugh echoes, satisfied by my shock expression. But now, the voice turns dark and she leans towards my face.

  "It was a murder", she whispers, her lips brushing my cheek before she backs away.

   I felt like my knees were about to give up on me and my stomach drops at her terrorizing words. I felt my eyes burn, I try blinking away the tears.


     She was probably there that night. She knows the answers I'm trying to find out.

    Before I could process anything, she flings me away like a feather.

     I yelp out loud trying to balance on my wobbly feet before tripping on my own legs. I shut my eyes close and prepare to embrace my fall but I felt nothing.

    A strong arm wraps around my waist and quickly steadies me back on my feet. I glance up to meet those crystal eyes staring back in worry. 

The cool breeze dries off my face but the blood form fresh cut, tickled my neck, I could feel small lane of it travel into my shirt.

    Xavier looks behind my shoulder narrowing his eyes before they bulge out seeing my wound. My head snaps back to where I stood with that woman seconds ago but she was gone.

"Oh my Lord, you're bleeding!?"

  "Chloe, what happened to you, who was there?" 

Despite the rain, my throat felt drier than usual. My head felt light.


    Raindrops start to pour down from the heavens, harder, slowly drenching the earth below. My heart thundered, threatening to come out.

Who was she?

No.. wrong question.

How long has she known about me when the entire world seemed to be ignorant of my existence...

Most importantly, are all the murders and chaos taking place in asylum her doing? My eyes twitch. This is bad. Bad bad.

   I grab Xavier's hand, running towards the asylum not waiting for another encounter with her.

   "Who was there!?" I ignore his screams, tagging him along with me towards the asylum. I can't let her know about the people I care for in this asylum. I grasp for air, trying to soothe my growing nerves. 

But what if I'm too late?

   She knows about the cabin. She knows about the night. She knows more than that.


𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘕𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘖𝘧 𝘍𝘦𝘣𝘳𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘺 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now