the best day ever

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Suddenly every machine in the room started beeping.

Then Amy's eyes what is open.

Ty rubbed his own eyes to make sure he wasn't dreaming.


It had all started with a squeeze of the hand.

A squeeze that everyone told Ty was involuntary

A squeeze that had given him hope.

A feeling that he had seldom had in the last two years.

And now he was staring into the eyes of the woman He loved.

The nurse walked in and was surprised to see both awake.

Ty had earned the nickname the man in the chair.

Because that was where he spent at least 50% of his time for the last two years.

" Hey Amy, it's nice of you awake," said nurse Allison.

Amy didn't respond, at least not verbally, on account of the breathing tube making that impossible.

Instead, she tried to pull out the breathing tubes, both breathing and feeling obstructing her ability to talk.

" no, no, those have to stay in there. I know it sucks, but they do," said Ty stopping her.

Then he saw the tears start to roll down Amy's face.

" Oh honey, I know, I know," said Ty sympathetically.

" I'm going to go get the doctor," said Allison.

" hey, I love you. I love you so much," said Ty trying to hold his tears As he wiped the tears off Amy's face.

Then the nurse walked in with the doctor.

The second Amy saw the doctor; she started to panic.

Her eyes darted back and forth.

Her head imagines the jerky movements of her eyes.

She even tried to pull the breathing tube out of her mouth.

" it's okay it's okay you're okay," said Ty trying to reassure her.

His attempts proved futile.

Amy continued to thrash around in fear.

Ty gently placed a hand on Amy's shoulder.

"Amy, honey, can you hear me?" Asked Ty softly.

  Amy managed to calm down enough to shake her head yes.

This realization mystified her.

She could hear Ty's voice, feel his touch and see his face.

But how? Wasn't he dead?.

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