The Demon

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Stumbling and fading through conscious the girl trembled; alone and afraid, as if in a dream she wandered throughout the faded blackness. In her deranged state, the girl could faintly hear the cries of her beloved family begging for her to return to the real world. 'I'm not loved,' she thought bitterly, little did she know that she had love, just not the type she yearned for. Suddenly a scene appeared ahead of her, a thin and fragile adolescent appeared in a meadow. The green grass seemed to swallow her slight frame, the stranger's head was crowned with flowers painted black. Seemingly the roses dug into her skull painfully; the scene warped around the girl’s inner conscious once more, this time focusing on a couple within the dingy hospital halls. The virile figure seemed shaken as he murmured to his significant other, "The smallest caskets are the heaviest." The woman, encumbered by her grief only managed to have a sob escape her lips in reply, the light in her pale eyes seemed to fade as she stared at the dinged hospital door, hoping for the patient to suddenly spring awake and be filled with life once again. The girl hesitantly approached the pair, as a predator would carefully approach their prey. Then the scene faded to blackness as the girl desperately tried to grasp onto the woman, "No!" She cried, then an invisible voice filled with malice spoke a soothing whisper within her ear, "This is what you wanted, isn't it?" the girl having no recollection of these events grunted in surprise at this invisible figure. Terrified of the unknown she turned onto her heels and attempted to sprint off in the opposite direction, soon the scene about her warped and appearing in a room with the same girl from the meadow. This time she was ghastly pale, her cheeks shrunken in as the hospital gown uselessly hangs off of her thin bodice, another around her age was kneeling next to the hospital bed, "Alex." The girl whispered to the mourning figure recognizing this her as her dearest friend. Receiving no reply she spoke louder, "Alex!" No reply was elected from the other's lips. Then the girl spoke, her voice hollow with grief speaking to the seemingly dead figure occupying the bed, "Cassie," taking in a shaky breath she continued, "Please come back." The girl froze suddenly the memories flooded back to her, the crash diets, and the depression, worst of all the overdose of sleeping pills. The scene faded to black once more as voices scattered throughout her head, driving her to the brink of sanity,

"You sure you want to eat that?"

"Skinny is pretty"

"You are what you eat"

"Nobody loves a fat girl, not even their mothers"

It was the voice again, "Stop it!" Cassie screamed, she covered her ears with her hands hoping to drive away the voices but they only grew stronger. The invisible voice then materialized, Cassie looked upon the invisible voice it was her, it was the girl in the meadow, it was the girl in the bed, and it was Cassie herself. "This was a bed of your own making." The voice replied, but it wasn't her. This entity of herself was filled with insecurity, envy, and jealously. Cowering away the voice seemed to grow larger and larger increasing the stream of insults. Crouching onto the ground the girl let out a scream loud enough to wake the gods, she squeezed her eyes tightly against her skull. Memories floated throughout her conscious, Cassie wanted to go back. She yearned to comfort the woman encumbered by grief, the girl sobbing by her bedside, and she wished to give the frail man strength once again to go on. Screaming louder Cassie attempted to force herself to regain conscious, now the girl who wished to be dead now was fighting for her life.

A group of mourners appeared at the dreary funeral home, many grieved regretting the missed chances of expressing their love to the girl. And others blamed themselves for not aiding her in the time of need. The fragile woman drank heavily at the procession wishing to be anything but here. The man looked bitterly upon the crowd, knowing that others would go on with their lives with their children whereas he would be childless. Deciding to fill the void with ridiculous amounts of work until he died himself of a heart attack.  The small masses looked upon the broken up family with greif receiving the lesson that skinny is not always pretty.


Hello! I'm assuming many of you thought of this short-segment as extremely depressing but I just wanted to dedicate this short story to those strggling with mental illnesses expecially eating disorders. Usually my stories will not be this "depressing" but I was in the 'mood' to write this. Leave a comment if you want! Uhm, every other day I plan on posting a short story with a wide range of topics. Tell me what you thought, thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2015 ⏰

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