Chapter 96

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Dorothea waves at their last guest as they slowly disappear into the forest, the wolves had long gone after the event that happens in the living room. Esme and Rose should be cleaning the house while Carlisle went back to his dad mode, watching the television with Dean.

Alice and Renesmee are currently playing dress-up in Alice's room but Dorothea knows they would rampage through her closet sooner or later for more clothes.

Jacob and Edward are back to their normal quarrel and Jacob would tease the vampire by calling him, father-in-law. Bella is in a brother-sister conversation with Emmet but let's face it, anything with Emmet in it. There won't be anything pure in it.

Now that Dorothea thinks about it, where is Jasper? Just as she thought about that, someone had swept her off her feet while spinning around. Dorothea had let out a gasp but laughter quickly went out, knowing the feeling of those big and harsh grips on her waist from anywhere.

"I begging for your touch, darling," Jasper whispers in his deep tone by Dorothea's ear when he had put her back down on the ground, his hand had started roaming her figure, loving how her body curved especially when Dorothea let out a small moan when his finger grazes her sensitive spot.

"Ah, Jas-" Dorothea didn't get a say as Jasper recklessly carried her over his shoulder, yelling out an agile goodbye knowing the family heard him nevertheless before rushing off to their own home. Once they were by the door, Jasper harshly put Dorothea down, caging her between his body and the door, pulling her into a heated and rough kiss as his finger roams under her shirt.

"Hm, slow down Jas." Jasper let out a growl when Dorothea tries to put a distance between them, harshly tugging the girl closer by the waist to continue his job of leaving deep dark purple hickeys from her neck to the collarbone while Dorothea tries to find the door handle from her back.

When her hand found the round metal, Dorothea hurriedly opens the door making them fall behind but Jasper is quick to use his arm muscle to stop the harsh fall, instead smoothly dropping them on the ground so Dorothea won't be harmed by the impact.

Moans and grunts filled the room, as Jasper resumes to roam his hand around Dorothea and leaving hickeys at every spot that is visible to even a passer to see.

Dorothea determined to take things under her control and spun them around presenting her to be on top of Jasper now. Dorothea slapped Jasper's hand from touching her, and another growl grew out for refusing his touch but later Jasper gulped harshly seeing Dorothea teasingly stripping her shirt off while wiggling her butt on him.

Letting Jasper enjoy his view of her in only her tight jeans and bra before rushing off into the room and locking the door. Dorothea giggles when Jasper's vulgar steps can be heard, clear of anger. Banging harshly on the door, mentioning for her to open the door.

"Dorothea! You better open this door, right now!" The door slowly opens and Jasper is greeted with a breathtaking breath.

Dorothea lay on their shared bed in nothing but her lingerie while smirking at him, signally him to come closer. "You're such a tease." Ripping off his shirt before trapping Dorothea under him, letting the girl trace her fingers on his built chest.

She brought her body up to make skin contact with his while kissing his sweet spot Dorothea knew how crazy Jasper will get.

Groans come out from Jasper, Dorothea grazing her finger seductively on Jasper's jeans making him grin at her neediness when she grins herself onto him. Jasper pulled them into a passionate kiss, thirst clearly visible in the urgency he was kissing Dorothea.

Biting her bottom lip which Dorothea granted, parting her lips as he inserts his tongue in and explored her mouth. Dorothea didn't attempt fighting for dominance knowing Jasper would win in the end.

Holding tightly on her waist to stop his grinning earning a whine from Dorothea. Removed every fabric on his body along with Dorothea while his kips never left her skin.

Jasper can feel Dorothea's wetness which results in him chuckling while biting on Dorothea's stomach leaving a bite mark, earning a soft moan while her body arches for more touch. Knowing Jasper is purposely going slow to tease her, Dorothea reaches her arms out to touch his member, pumping it up and down slowly.

"Fuck, go faster baby." Normally Dorothea would revenge back by going slow but she is too needy, wanting him in her. Dorothea decided to become submissive to Jasper's every command while he plays around with her breast.

Feeling like he has teased enough, Jasper positioned himself between Dorothea, making sure they held eye contact while he thrust roughly into her.

Jasper's thrust becomes harder and faster even more brutal with each second but Dorothea enjoys every moment of it. Letting her nails dig deep into his back while moaning right beside his ears, turning Jasper on more. Dorothea's hips started matching with Jasper's rough movement, Jasper left numerous bite marks on her fragile skin.

The bed moved along with their speed, when Jasper had his hand on the headboard it imminently crunches due to his harsh grip. "Shit." They knew they were going to get an earful for breaking their bed again.

"Jas, I'm c-close..." Dorothea felt Jasper's thrust becoming sloppy and slow, telling her he is close too. "I few more, darling." And like Jasper said, with only 3 more thrusts they both came together, deep breaths coming out of each of their mouths. Dorothea pushes Jasper's chest a little, ready to get off and clean herself but Jasper through her back onto him with a cheeky smirk

 "Where do you think you're going, ma'am? We aren't done until we hit the 5th round now, darling." Dorothea didn't complain, she missed her husband's touch. Letting Jasper pull her lips to graze with his while her hips move around on him. "I'm all yours."

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