Chapter 1

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        "You paged chief?" Callie said as she stepped into Chief Webbers office. " Ah.. Torres come in, this is our newest pediatric surgeon. Callie Torres this is Arizona Robbins. I want you to show her the ropes today. Shes your priority, the rest of your surgeries are being handled." Webber stated. "You got it chief. This way blondie." Callie said. The rest of the day went smoothly, Callie introduced the blonde around and showed her where her office would be. No big traumas came into the hospital not giving the ortho god a chance to show the peds surgeon how the E.R. works, but that is something she can figure out on her own. Throughout the day the two women made small talk and got aquainted with one another while touring the hospital. At the end of the work day Callie told Arizona that if she needed anything to just page her or call, the blonde nods and with that both ladies headed home. That night as Callie lay in bed she found it very hard to push the blonde from her mind, unsuccessfully so. Those deep blue eyes starring back at her everytime she closed her eyes. Callie absolutely loved how sexy those scrubs made her look. A year ago she could never have imagined day dreaming about a person she barely knew, let alone a woman! But a lot has happened since then and anyway this woman was too mind blowingly sexy to not think about. Oh god and those blonde locks the way they curl ever so slightly and then cascade down her face and shoulders. "Why am I thinking about her?? I haven't even known her more than a day!" Callie said to herself. Even so she couldn't get a certain blue eyed blonde haired woman out of her mind. Thankfully these particular thoughts relaxed her to sleep all the while dreaming of the woman she knew nothing about. 

        As Arizona lay awake in her one bedroom appartment while a train ramble down the nearby tracks. But even with all this noise the blonde couldn't be more in a daze, wondering if the tall brunette she had met that day was thinking about her, or even gay for that matter. Never the less she couldnt help herself from thinking about the brown eyed beauty she spent the day with, wondering if the other woman was thinking about her too. With each passing moment the blonde was pulled deeper and deeper into curiosity. She wondered how Callie looked with clothes other than scrubs on, after a moment deciding she wouldnt be able to keep her hands off the other woman thinking that she already looks so georgeous. Seeing the orthepecic surgeon in street clothes would be too much for Arizona, even still she decided to ask Callie to Joes, a bar across the street from the hospital that she noticed as she left this evening.

        Early the next morning both ladies were paiged to the E.R. for an incoming trauma, that just so happened to need the two of them. As Callie walked into the emergency room and began looking for Owen Hunt, the man that had made her come in so early. As soon as the brunette spotted him she prepared to give him qutie a tongue lashing, but before she could she noticed a confused blonde standing next to him. Callie decided against the tongue lashing.... for now, knowing that that would make the very flustered looking blonde even more lost and confused. Instead Callie walked over to them calmly, mentally preparing for the long day that she knows is coming. "Good morning!" Arizona said excitedly as she noticed Callie approaching, quickly noticing the butterflies that began to camp out in her stomach. "Good morning!" Callie replies and then turns her attention to Owen. "Hunt why are we here so early? I'm not even supposed to be working today!" the latina snaps at the man standing in front of her. "I'm sorry Callie, Arizona, but we needed you too. There an incoming trauma about twenty minutes out." He responds, not paying any attention to her attitude towards him. "But why are WE here can't other people handle traumas?" Arizona asked. " Yes they can but not this one. There is a child that was found on the side of the road. It looks like she was tossed from a moving vehicle. Multiple fractures and internal bleeding." With that Callie showed Arizona where the trauma gowns are and brought her out the where the ambulances pull in.

        As soon as the ambulance pulled in two EMT's jump out, pulling the gurney with them. "Unresponsive female, multiple fractures, tachycardic en route!" one of the EMT's yells as Callie and Arizona rushed towards the gurney to start their work quickly in hopes of saving this poor girl. The two women worked together in perfect syncronization all day, managing to save the young girl. They made sure that a resident was with the girl all the time, Alex Karev being the one to volunteer. Just as Callie turns to leave Arizona hollars after her recapturing the latinas attention. "Hey wait up!" Arizona called to her and began jogging after her. "Whats up?" Callie askes in return. "We did amazing today, I just thought we should celebrate the successful hours we spent in the O.R. Just wondering if theres a chance I could get you to go across the street with me for a couple drinks?" The blonde asks. "I'm buying" She quickly adds as soon as she sees the look of hesitation on Callie's face. The look of hesitation fades as soon as the blonde finished her question, not having meant to put that look on her face in the first place. It was just out of habbit that she gave that look, it actually made Callie feel bad knowing that the blonde saw it. "Of course, we should definitely celebrate! I would love too and theres no way I'm letting you buy. It's my treat to not only congragulate you on a great day today but a good first day yesterday." The brunette answers. "Okay I just have to finish up with the little girl and make sure Karev knows the social worker should be here soon, but i can meet you there when I'm done." "No it's okay I'll wait for you in the lobby" The latina responds with a smile and makes her way to go get changed. 

        "KAREV!" Arizona yelled to get his attention. "Yeah?" He said turning on his heel to face her. Arizona liked Karev, he's cocky and arrogant but he's good with the kids. She doesn't have to teach him how to care, which is exciting after her previous students. "Make sure the boy in bed five eats and the girl in room ten needs new blood work. I'm taking off for the night so don't screw up." She said before leaving to go meet up with Callie. "Hey!" Callie said, standing up to greet an approaching Arizona. Callie was quickly mesmerized by that amazing smile the blonde wore. "You ok Callie?" Arizona asked, noticing that the brunette was off in her own world. "Huh? Oh yeah i'm fine, sorry." Callie managed out as she realized she must have been staring. "No, your fine!" Arizona said. "You ready to go? Did you finish up with your patients?" "Yeah, lets do this! Is Joes a good place, I've never been there?" "Oh yeah it's great, you'll love it. We all go there since it's so close to the hospital." With that the two ladies headed across the street to the bar. Once inside Callie told Arizona to find a table while she went to get them some drinks. "Ok, club soda for you and a beer for me." The latina said setting the drinks on the table. "Great, thank you Calliope." Arizona said with a smile. Calliope, usually Callie doesn't like the use of her full name but the way that it rolled sweetly off the blondes lips she couldn't help but love the way it sounded. "So, Arizona huh? That's a beautiful name, I like it." "Thank you, ya know most people think I was named after the state, but that's not true." "Really?" Callie asked. "So if it's not after the state then what is it after? If you don't mind my asking" "Oh, no, I don't mind. I'm named after the U.S.S. Arizona, it's a ship from back when pearl harbor was bombed. My grandfather was serving on it that day, he saved 19 people before he drowned." "Wow, battleship, I like it." Callie said with a smile. After that the two women settled easily into conversation. Arizona loved the way it was so easy with Callie, it just felt natural being around her, the way they talked as if they've known each other for ages. The night grew on and subtle flirting found it's way into their conversation, both women noticed it. The slight flirting bringing smiles to both their faces, Arizona's smile showed off her dimples. Callie took great interest in the way her crushes dimples shined brightly as the woman smiled, it took Callie's breath away. Getting flustered Callie decided to go to the bathroom and calm down before she did something she regretted, ruining any chances she had with the blonde. Callie excused herself to the bathroom and took off. Arizona noticing something was off, got up and followed the latina, hoping she didn't scare the other woman and ruin their friendship. As much as she wanted more the blonde decided that if she couldn't be with Callie that a friendship would be better than nothing. When Arizona walked into the bathroom she saw Callie red faced in the mirror. Callie jumped at the sight of Arizona in the bathroom behind her, she followed right? That means something. Before either women knew what was happening Callie had turned around, cupping Arizona's face in her hands, she leaned in. "I'm gonna kiss you now battleship." The latina stated firmly, hesitating for a second to take in the innocent blue eyes staring back at her. While Callie was looking into her eyes Arizona closed the gap between their lips and kissed the latina softly, not wanting to wait any longer knowing the brunette felt the same. Their lips molded together perfectly. As they moved their lips in perfect syncronization a small moan escaped the blondes lips. Callie softly brushed her tongue across the blondes bottom lip seeking entrance to the enticing mouth pressed against hers. As soon as Arizona felt Callie's tongue she opened her mouth, gladly accepting the request to push their kiss further.

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