The 6 reunite (part 1)

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Me and my daughter April ride into the royal palace. I see winter in a tree and look shocked. We park and she floats into the palace. Connor walks out and hug me and April.

"Uncle Connor, Who is this," a boy asks.

"This is Mark and his daughter, April," Connor says.

"Cool. I'm Sam," the boy says and turns around.

"Hey Mark," Winter says but in her human form.

"Hi Win," I say hugging her.

"Mommy, when is uncle Kian coming," the boy asks.

"Hey little man," a guy says appearing behind me.

"Kiki," the boy says and Winter smiles.

"Come in," she says and April looks scared.

"I thought they killed you," I say.

"No. You know my dad was one of the Elders. He made it to where I had to wait three mullmeniums to be able to be reborn. It sucked and I was put into isolation," Winter says and she goes pale. "JC," she mumbles.

I turn and see a sholdier being carried in. Winter runs over and the sholdier coughs.

"Get him into the operating room. Stat," Connor says and Winter turns into her true self.

They run into the room and I watch from the windows. Winter is crying and Connor is reviving him. Once he has enough energy, he hugs winter.

"I thought I lost you," winter says as me and April walk in.

"You'll never loss me Courtney," he says and Winter is in her human form.

"Courtney," I ask.

"When I was reborn, my parents gave me that name. JC go get some rest," Win says.

The guy nods and asends the staircase. I look at the door and see Swan, Fantacy, and Mistey walking up.Connor begines cleaning the operating room and the girls come in. Winter walks upstairs and Swan watches.

"I thought she was dead," she says.

"Nope, she was reborn," Connor says walking over.

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