Leo's Return (Leo)

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        Leo ran up and hugged Calypso, whispering in her ear "We get to leave this island, together." He had spent 3 months on this island with Calypso, and he finally fixed up Festus enough so that Calypso could safely make it back home to Camp Half-Blood with him. Calypso hadn't stopped talking about seeing the world for weeks, and Leo put up with it as long as she would throw in comments on how amazing he was. Leo and Calypso packed up what little they owned, along with some plants that she had loved since she was trapped on the island, and threw it all into a small compatrment inside of Festus. Calypso shoved her bag into Festus as Leo walked over, asking Festus "Are you ready for the ride home buddy?" Leo hopped onto Festus, reaching his hand out to help Calypso up. When they both mounted the dragon, he took a few lurching steps before flapping his wings and taking off. Calypso, sitting behind Leo, grabbed on to him and tried not to fall off, while Leo just laughed and made Festus soar higher, so the island was just a small dot against the horizon of blue. When Calypso turned around, Leo felt her head spinning as she gripped him harder and tried not to fall. He knew what it was like to leave something you love, but he knew she wouldn't ask to go back, which he doubted he could even do. When Leo started flying, he knew which way to go by the compass he installed on Festus' back. They flew for 15 minutes before seeing land, covered in a huge forest. Leo couldn't turn around, but he felt Calypso staring at the forest below them in awe. She has never seen land like this, Leo reminded himself, realizing that the forests were strung with electrical wires and telephone poles. After hours of flying over citiies, roads, and trees, Calypso gasped and yelled out "Is that the camp?" Leo glanced down and saw the cabins lined up in the mid-afternoon light, along with the Big House, surrounded with tiny people in orange t-shirts. Leo stopped Festus, told him to go down, and shot out fire from his hands to alert the camp of his arrival (making sure Calypso was out of the fire range). Leo yelled out to the crowd below him "THE SUPER-SIZED MCSHIZZLE IS BACK!" He heard gasps of astonishment as he landed in the center of camp, but when he finally landed Festus, nobody was moving or cheering for his amazing entrance. As he turned, he realized Calypso was crying with what he hoped was joy, while a tall boy with blond hair and a girl with dark hair and coffe brown skin were running up to him, and he knew instantly who it was. "Piper, Jason, where are the others?" Leo asked, hopping off Festus, almost forgetting about Calypso, and turning to get her off the dragon. Percy, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, and surprisingly, Nico came running out behind Jason and Piper, all yelling his name. There was so much to explain, but all Leo could say was "Guys, I'd like you to meet my friend, Calypso."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2015 ⏰

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