Candy Hearts (gxb)

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You ran your hands through your hair, pulling out knots and massaging tension areas. You had just finished writing an essay and was completely burned out.

You needed energy to just finish out your day. You looked around your room for something sweet to snack on, finding your bag of candy from Valentines Day under you bed.

It's only been a few months so it should be alright, you tell yourself before pulling out a box of conversation hearts and dumping them on your notebook picking out the pink ones which were your favorite.

You savor the sour sweet flavor, the candy faintly reminding you of when you were little and use to make the hearts into flowers on your bed.

After you eat all the pink you look down at purple and yellow ones noticing the strange words written?

"Window". "Look" "your" "outside"

"Look outside your window?" And you do just that noticing a familiar face checking his mailbox and speaking to one your neighbors.

His eyes catches yours and you immediately duck down hitting your head hard on our desk.

"____? What about him?" You ask the candy hearts as if they would respond to you. You were slightly afraid to read what the blue hearts said blue you did it anyways.

"Him" "you're shy" "talk" "go" "to"

" You're shy, go talk to him?" You shake your head

" I will embarrass myself more then I ever have"

You were always a shy child, especially with the people you liked and admired. The worry of judgement making you go silent and hide away. And _____ was no exception he was your type, nice and sweet with some underlying dominance that no doubt would make you fall to your knees instantly.

But you couldn't imagine yourself being bold enough to start a conversation with him, the most you've said is a quick "hey?" in passing our him asking if your okay when you trip and fall from staring a little too long.

A ring on your doorbell, brings you out of your thoughts ignoring the candy hearts and heading downstairs to answer the door.

"Coming?!, who is it?"


Your eyes widen and stood frozen on the last step, peeking around the corner as you see the shadow of his figure from the window.

"Stupid fucking candy hearts" you mumble as you slowly open the door. His smile really could brighten your whole day.

"Hey, I got some of your mail in my mailbox and I wanted to return it."

"T-thank you" you reply as you take the couple of letters out his hands.

You were about to close the door when he spoke.

"Can I tell you something y/n?"

You sighed trying to relax yourself before answering.

"Of course."

" I don't know why? But I feel as if we have connection, one that dying to come out but we aren't acting on it, so I was wondering if you wanted to come over sometime? It's okay if you don't but my heart is telling that you are a opportunity that I don't want to miss out on, so.."

"Umm-" you stand shocked, your eyes adverting from his to stare at his defined collarbones.

You nod your conscious taking over for your lacking brain.

"Good I'll come over sometimes, oh and don't worry the staring you don't have to hide it. You'll be staring at something way better eventually."

Your eyes met his again and he winked before he walked way his body bleeding cockiness and an ego bigger than you could handle.

"What Sin incarnation, have I fallen in love with?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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