Existence is truly a vast place, filled with many diverse creatures and intriguing beings. Occasionally, lifeforms will try to bring about order within their existences and establish civilizations. One such civilization was the Pumpkingdom, home to many sentient pumpkins. It was a prosperous kingdom that had existed long enough to establish alliances and peace treaties with many other civilizations.
We begin our story in Cucurbita, the capital of the Pumpkingdom. It was in this city that the Pumpkin Overlord lived in. He was a fair and loving ruler who had appointed many pumpkin knights in his time, with one of his top knights being a young and hearty individual named Pumpkin Man. He was given a sidekick in the form of a sentient tomato from a foreign realm named Craig.
Pumpkin Man: "Your majesty, all is going well today."
Craig: "Yeah."
Pumpkin Man: "Do you have any requests for us?"
Pumpkin Overlord: "Not at the immediate moment, but I am glad to hear that all is well. May the pumpkin species remain prosperous!"
Pumpkin Man: "Indeed."
Craig: "Well, helping out is the least I could do for what your people have done for us."
Pumpkin Man: "May the alliance between the pumpkins and tomatoes be everlasting."
There did, however, exist four pumpkins in particular known as the Gregs. They were just like anyone else in the kingdom except for their dietary habits. The Gregs had specifically adapted to be able to eat live bees with relatively low health risks. It was their favorite food, in fact, and the four pumpkins always met once a year for a mass consumption of bees. Live bee consumption wasn't out right illegal, but it was still generally frowned upon due to the health risks normally apparent. Despite this, the Gregs were pleasant people who got along just fine with most of the other pumpkins.
Times change, though.
Greg: "Welcome to the annual Greg meetup. It is a pleasure to see you all here."
Greg 2: "Hey guys! Glad you could all make it. Greg 4 is bringing the bees, I hope that's alright."
Greg: "It sure is."
Greg 3: "It's also great to be here."
Greg: "I must thank you all for contributing to the setup of these meetings. I truly could not be more grateful to every single one of you. You are not just friends, you are like a family to me, and-"
Greg 3: "no"
Greg: "ok"
Greg 2: "This is gonna be the biggest meetup yet. I specifically made sure that we're bringing all of our bees here. We're going all out."
Greg: "Gotta say, that's really exciting. Can't wait for when Greg 4 gets here."
The Gregs were friendly people back then. Greg 3 in particular, however, was a rather interesting individual. He had a split personality, phasing between being intelligent and being an utter clampongus at constant and unpredictable intervals. How this came to be isn't the focal point of this story, though.
The Gregs heard the doorbell ring.
Greg: "Would that be Greg 4?"
Greg 4: *completely vaporizes the door out of existence* "Hello everyone."
Greg 2: "Hey Greg 4"
Greg 4: "Greg 2! Nice to see you here. Anyway, I brought the bees."
Greg: "Excellent. How many bees did you bring? I know it's a lot."
Greg 4: "Every single one we have, nothing less."
Greg 2: "This is gonna be great. I can't wait to dig in."
Greg: "Same here."
Greg 3: "i can't wait to die of scurvy"
Greg 2: "false"
Greg 3: "ok"
Greg 4: "Truly, this will be a moment."
Greg: "Agreed. Anything anyone wants to say before we begin."
Greg 2: "Yeah."
Greg 4: "Go on."
Greg: "do it"
Greg 3: "^"
Greg 2: "I just wanna say thank you all for coming here every year. Even if times may be tough and the budget is low compared to just about everyone else in Cucurbita, I'm so glad to know that we're all here together. With that being said, are we ready?"
Greg: "I believe we are, and you are most welcome, Greg 2."
Greg 3: "^"
Greg 4: "^"
Greg: "Let the festivities begin!" *starts eating the live bees*
Greg 2: "^"
Greg 3: "^"
Greg 4: "^"
Most of the Pumpkin Civilization, though disapproving of the Gregs' actions, tolerated them. But there were some who wanted them vanquished, not just exiled. One such individual was Sir Stemsworth, a c̵a̵p̵i̵t̵a̵l̵i̵s̵t̵ very rich pumpkin high up in the ranks.
Greguppance: Gregesis
General FictionThe Pumpkingdom is home to numerous sentient pumpkins. Among the pumpkins exists a group of four known as the Gregs. They're just like everyone else in the kingdom except for the fact that they've adapted to eat live bees, an action generally frowne...