Chapter 1

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Louis couldn't remember a time when Harry didn't make him smile. He couldn't remember a time where Harry didn't inspire him. For better or for worse, Harry had inspired him for as long as he had known the boy.

At first it was just curiosity, seeing the most beautiful boy in the world and wondering what he had done to deserve to be graced by his presence. That night Louis went home and painted. He painted green eyes framed in thick black glasses and pink cheeks, trying to recreate the twinkle in Harry's eyes that caught his attention in the first place.

Curiosity turned into recognition when Louis saw him more and more. He saw him at campus between his classes on Tuesdays. Tuesdays became his favourite day. Sometimes he saw him in the park on Sundays. Louis started waking up early on Sundays just to get to that darned park. He saw him at the gym sometimes, walking out of yoga class clutching his pink yoga mat. Louis renewed his gym membership just to get another glimpse of Harry's bum in those yoga pants. Even watching Harry push his glasses up the bridge of his nose was endearing. When Louis stumbled upon that LGBTQ club meeting for the students at his university and saw a familiar mop of curls handing out free cupcakes, Louis knew he was a goner.

Harry noticed Louis as well, noticed how bright his presence was. The way the whole room seemed to light up when Louis laughed, his eyes crinkling at the corners and his nose wrinkling like he was about to sneeze. Harry fell in love with the way Louis talked with his hands, even though he elbowed poor Niall in the face during one of the club meetings. He loved the way Louis could talk about something as insignificant as the colour of certain football jerseys for hours with a burning passion. But most of all he fell in love with the way Louis would smile at him, all bright and knowing, as though he had a secret.

Before long, their free minutes they had between classes on Tuesdays were spent exchanging quick kisses as they passed each other in the hallway. Sundays at the park comprised of Harry and Louis lying on a picnic blanket. Louis insisted that they move it later in the day so he could actually sleep in on Sundays instead of waking up at whatever ungodly time Harry saw fit. Harry tried to get Louis to join him in yoga class but after the first and only time, Louis threw in the towel, deciding that he would much rather watch as Harry did the downwards facing dog than to subject himself to that kind of torture. He wasn't the masochist in their relationship, after all. If anything, that had to be Harry.

Louis would never forget the first time they talked about it, Harry all shy and blushy as he whispered that he wanted to call Louis 'Sir' sometimes when Louis fucked him. Or when he literally hid his face behind his hands, his glasses getting fingerprints all over them, when he admitted that he got turned on by being called humiliating things, degrading names that he would never stand for otherwise. Louis just hugged him and chuckled. His boy was perfect.

They hadn't been together for long when Harry's birthday came along, only four months. It was that awkward phase where Louis didn't want to overwhelm him by giving him anything too expensive, but he wanted to show more commitment than a lousy box of chocolates. Finally he decided he knew exactly what to do. It took a few phone calls and a whole lot of begging, but in the end it was completely worth it.

"Where are we going?" Harry chuckled, trying not to stumble as Louis guided him through another door. He was clumsy enough as it was, but Louis had blindfolded him under his glasses, making it even harder to keep his balance.

"Just a little bit more," Louis cooed, his hand pressing on Harry's lower back to keep him steady.

Harry was touching everything he could find, grabbing at smooth walls and hard surfaces to get even the tiniest idea on where they were going or what they were doing. "Lou, come on... What's going on?" he muttered, his patience running thin as he yelped, his foot slamming onto yet another hard object that shot pain up his leg. It wasn't the first, second or even the third time that had happened on the way there, so Harry thought he had the right to be a little grumpy about it. "Is it really necessary to maim me on my birthday? I'd like to come out of this day alive, thank you very much," he sighed.

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