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Ginny looked around the misty white room she was in. She had no idea how she came here and there didn't seem to be any sign of life.

Sitting on the ground, which was surprisingly soft, she ran through her memories. Saying a good night to Lily who didn't seem to be holding herself well after the death of her beloved father, she had drunk some water and fell asleep.

She was trying to dig further when she heard a voice, one she hadn't heard in almost two months call out a hoarse version of her name. Without meaning to tears sprang in her eyes.

"Harry?" Her voice was raspier than she expected. She blindly fought tried to fight till she was near Harry, but as she took a step she bumped into some unknown warmth. She was about to fight it when all too familiar arms wrapped around her.

"Harry" she sobbed in his shirt

"I'm here" His voice sounded as if he was convincing himself more than her

"I'm here" he said now much softer as his grip on her tightened.

"Where am I, Harry?" She said gripping his shirt

"You're with me, in heaven" Harry whispered

"You waited?" She asked in an almost amazed tone

"Of course I did" He said tightening his hold

"You know what this means right" She asked snuggling closer to him

"I know, I know" His voice breathy

"It's too soon Harry I can't" Ginny begged

"I know gin nor can I, but we will meet again" Harry said tilting her head up to him and kissing her with all he had

"Until the very end" Ginny confirmed holding his hand tight as they walked in the light together

Hey! so this is a story I've had for a while now (May something) and I thought to continue it, though honestly I don't remember what this story was about buy I'll do my best to entertain y'all!

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