Here we go~

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Changes are inevitable. Everyone has to through them at one point in their life. From changing clothes, to moving homes, changes happens. Yet, change and moving aren’t the worst things in life. Yes, it can be saddening, but it opens new horizons too. Changes can be good and allows a person to grow.

“Fabulous,” I sighed.

In front of me loomed cream brown and white structures, Jesse Bethel High School in Vallejo, my new school. I groaned inwardly at the thought of spending my sophomore year as a loner, which I immediately dismissed to prevent further homesickness. Instead I forced myself to daydream of having a swell school year.

The first thing I did was to go to the counseling office to acquire my schedule and other necessities. If it wasn’t for my late enrollment, I wouldn’t be fidgeting there patiently as the woman printed them out. Breathing a sigh of relief to be out of the tight quarters of that room, I trod off to my first class, Pre-Calculus, weird. As the sun raced across the sky, my body released the tension and apprehension of my first day. My classes were all close by each other, yet I know that would change soon enough. The subjects were all wrong and so confusing. When I am supposed to be in Spanish II, I was in Spanish III.

“Why, oh why this has to happen,” I cried out to no one in particular. “This is just one example of why I avoid changes.”

Luckily, I got wonderful teachers to help me with this vexing situation. My pretty US History teacher, that became my English teacher, was one of them that were there at every step of the way for me to achieve my proper classes. Finally, I can officially start my sophomore year.

On the first day of my new schedule, I was once again bathe in anxiety and nervousness. Due to the fact of new people, some new teachers, and new environment, which was quite terrifying but exhilarating too. As the day progressed on, a girl seemed to be following me. When I went to the teacher’s desk to let them know I transferred to their class, the girl would be hovering behind me for her turn. It wasn’t until fifth period that she went before me and I saw that we have all of the same classes and I mean ALL.

I suddenly blurted out, “Whoa! We have all the same classes.” My body flushed as I scolded myself for rudely interrupting.

The brown eyed, brown haired girl looked at me politely. “Student’s in the same academy have similar schedules, sometimes even the same. Just like ours,” She replied nicely towards me. “I’m Christina.”

Day after day, I began to slowly open up to her. She is so nice and smart in her modest ways, I was lucky to be paired up with her. We would chat, stroll to class together, and even help each other out during class. I couldn’t be more grateful to find a friend like her.

From Ms. Mora to Ben, who currently is a friend I hang out with during lunch, my social circle grew, as does my bubble of happiness. Good teachers, friends, and grades, I couldn’t ask for more. It was through them that I slowly eased back to my normal self and be comfortable with my new situation.

Even far from my best friends, whom I consider as my second family, I am adjusting quite nicely to my new life. Yes, I love my golden friends, but my silver ones are awesome too. They are a nice variety to spice up my life and I wouldn’t change it any other way. I am now content with what I have and what happened to me.

From being such a trepidatious mess to finding my equilibrium, change was good to me in the end. The beginning always have its ups and downs and twists like that of a roller coaster, yet it eventually stabilized and slowed to a stop. Which left me off feeling invigorated and ready for more. Changes can be bad or it can be good, yet it is still an ineluctable phase that happens in a person’s life. I just came to the conclusion that changes are worth while too.

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