I don't know what to title this either-

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I'm gonna be quitting wattpad. My account will still be open and I may sometimes post here. I'll be posting on Deviantart and as soon as I get an account set up I'll update this and let all of you know what my username for Deviantart is.

I'm sorry, I just feel more comfortable posting to Deviantart since I was going to do it from the start before I knew Wattpad existed. And please don't take any offense to this but the people are really nice on Deviantart and it sorta gives me more confidence to be more open to write my aus.

When I first got on Wattpad I was pretty hesitant to even post my aus. And no I'm not trying to make anyone feel guilty, sad, or mad. Like I said I'll still post here, it's just gonna be random posts and stuff like that. But I may start deleting things after awhile. Sorry if this seems sudden-

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