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She was Born August 13, 1988 and was his pride and joy. From the day was she born he spoiled her, gave her everything she ever needed or wanted. Well it's common knowledge that Draco was Narcissa's favorite, Iris was Lucius's. Now at age three and waiting to take Draco to the train for his first year of school, she's still his little angel.


"Yes, angel?"

"Mummy says Draco going away soon, for a long time" she said sadly

"Only to school, come here angel let's get you ready to go" he opened his arms for his little girl, she was happy to be in her dad's arms. He was the one that did everything with her, dressed her, bathed her, fed her, put her to sleep, when she was a baby she refused to go to bed if it wasn't in his arms.

"I love you daddy"

"I love you too, now let's get your Mary Janes on" he set her on his knee and picked up her shoes slipping them on her feet, then making sure her coat looked nice. While he was finishing, Narcissa and Draco came down the stairs.

"Mummy" she said happily

"Hello sweetheart, Lucius" the woman responded dryly, it's not that she didn't love her daughter (or that's what they all thought) it's just that she was unsuspected. Narcissa was told that she may not be able to have more children after she was caught in the middle between two battling wizards, she came to terms with that and thought Draco was perfect already, why need another one. When they found out she was pregnant again Lucius was over the moon, Narcissa was happy but slowly lost interest in being a mother again.

"Draco do you have all your things?" Lucius asked his son

"Yes father"

"Right, every one to the town car" yes the Malfoys being Pure-blood they wouldn't have a car, but they need something to get around when in the Muggle world. Lucius had bought a dark tinted window town car that he enchanted to drive itself, they got in and he made sure Iris was on the seat properly.

"No daddy, lap" Iris pouted

"Angel what have I said about pouting, it's not proper" he scolded gently but still pulled her onto his lap

"Sorry daddy"

"It's alright, just remember for the future" he pet the top of her head, making sure not to mess up her hair. Her head rested on his chest as the car left for the station, Draco kept sending glares at his little sister who always got their dad's attention. To no fault of Lucius, his relationship with his son deteriorated because of the boy's mother, all her attention was given to the boy so it meant that Iris clung to her father. He simply spent more time with the girl. The car finally stopped at King cross station, "packed with filthy Muggles as always" Lucius spat, "daddy that's not nice", "oh shut up Iris" Draco said through a tight jaw, "Draco that's enough, angel come here, I don't want you to get lost" he picked his daughter up and they ran through the wall that led to platform 9 3/4 together.

"Wow" she said eyeing the red steam engine for the first time "do you like it angel?", "It's pretty"  a short time later Draco and Narcissa came through the wall "hurry Draco the train is leaving soon" Narcissa told him, while making sure that his son had everything he needed Lucius put Iris down and the little girl being curious, left his side to look at the steam engine.  She walked through the legs of family members saying good bye to their children and siblings, nobody seemed to notice the little Malfoy as she walked to the front of the train, she was curious but cautious and knew not to walk to close to the edge of the track. Meanwhile the other three Malfoys were saying good bye "Alright son, be good and keep your grades up, now hug your sister good bye", "I would if I could" he responded sarcastically "pardon?", "She's not there" he said like he didn't care. Lucius tail spun into worry.

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