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It was a wild party tonight said Tommy the drummer of the band
Motley crue.yo Razz wanna come back to my place and Party man? Said Vince the lead singer of Motley. Yeah sure man said Razzle. I was standing holding my Daughter savannah Dingley on
My hip trying to keep her from Crying. She's only two said Razzle
As he reaches for Her. Dada she said . Razzle took her in his Arms
And tosses her Around in circles. Razz be careful with her you will drop her. There's nothing to worry about Said Razzle.

Yes there is she's still a baby I said Worried. Here Razzle handed
Her back to me. Who's daddy's little girl said Razzle as he bopped her nose with his index finger. I a she said. Hehe I giggled at Razzle. Wow man you got an awesome kid you know sharise is pregnant said Vince. I know she is man said Razzle. Hey wanna bring your wife to the party said Tommy. Oh no thanks not Around a bunch of beer and drunk creeps hanging around savannah I said angrey. Okay babe said Razzle you take you savannah and some of The Motley members back to are Hotel room okay said Razzle.

Yeah sure but I wanna be with you I said, as I kissed Razzles lips.
So I'll have Nikki , Mick, and my bestie Chole watch her while where partying I need a break from motherhood anyway Razz I said. Alright said Tommy as he jumped up happily.

I handed Savannah to Mick and jumped into vince's new car
And we headed to his house. When we got there we parted like crazy Vince enterduced me to his wife sharise.

Everything was fine untill we ran out of beer. So Razzle and Vince went out to go get it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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