**You Can't Save Me Once You Leave**

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Adam's POV

"Emily? EMILY!" I yell running towards her,

"Ugh, Adam, what are you even doing here?" she asks pissed off,

"I need to see her" I say with a determinate tone,

"It's not possible, I'm sorry. She asked not to let you" she quietly replies as my whole world starts falling on me.

'She asked not to let you', is she THIS mad at me? Did I make a mess THIS big?

"Look, Emily, I NEED to see her" I repeat trying to sound as calm as possible keeping my tears inside,

"Adam, it's not possible" she repeats again almost as a moan,

"She's my whole world" I say with a strong voice as a tear starts falling down my cheek.

"Well, if I don't remember wrong, you didn't show it" she says crossing her arms,

"What are you talking about? I took care of her every single day in these past years, we did everything together, we spent every second of our days together. What does it make you think that I don't show it?"

"YOU LEFT" she strongly says going towards the hospital room.

Yes I did. The worst choice ever.

It was all perfectly good this morning, we played, we laughed. We were planning to make a video for Christmas, I already recorded my part when she came home.

I wanted to show her parents that I'm really glad they let me stay with them, it's been 2 years now. They accepted me like their 'son' but I didn't really feel like that.

Emily and Melissa.. gosh, Melissa.

I love her so much, she's my best friend since the very first time we met. I've always think to be a cool 'older brother' but lately we were closer than ever.

We had a lil fight this evening.

Her parents organized this little party in the house and some friends came over, they went into her room, she hates it. They used her laptop, and she hates it more.

I knew that and I tried to make them stop but when she came in she stopped and looked like she was cold freezing ice.

I tried to explain but she said nothing, not a word.

I got annoyed by her silence and kinda yelled at her, worst behavior ever, so childish.

I grabbed a pic of us and told her I didn't want to see it anymore, she just stared at me, not a word. Not even an insult. Nothing.

I decided to pack my bags and leave for a while, go staying at her grandparents'. Emily was about to leave for going to mountains so she would've had a little time to think about it.

Our last hug was hearbreaking.

She didn't want to hug me at first but we did.

It broke my heart, I hugged her as tight as I could. She did the same.

In that precise moment I started regretting my choice.

Why am I leaving? Why am I leaving her like this?

But I did anyway. I left.

And now here I am, in an Hospital hall waiting to know some news about her.

"Adam" Emily sighs as I quickly stand up,

"Is she okay? Can I see her? PLEASE" I beg,

"She's okay. She could've died but I took her here just in time" she sighs again,

Adam Lambert Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now