An Unlikely Savior

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The streets of Paris were filled with people bustling about as the blond lady in the purple dress and shawl made her way through the crowd. It was her first time in Paris and she was enjoying it immensely. Suddenly she heard a commotion coming from nearby and turned to see two soldiers harassing a man dressed in purple and gold clothes that resembled a jesters outfit. She vaguely recognized him from earlier that morning when he had bought some bread from the bakery as she was passing it.

"You stole that piece of bread!" Said one of the guards punching the man in the stomach.

"A bit early in the morning to start your bullying don't you think? Do you nitwits even have proof I stole it? " replied the jester fellow cheekily despite having doubled over from the blow.

"You're a gypsy what other proof is necessary?" sneered the second guard. These words made the blond woman's blood boil. Thinking quickly, she took on a distraught look and hurried up to the guards in tears.

"Oh please sirs! Help me! A little blond boy just stole my coin purse!" Clearly seeing her as a damsel in distress the guards turned their attention from the gypsy. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the gypsy disappear.

"Which way did he go ma'am?" asked the first guard.

"Down that street to the left! He was heading for the other half of town," sobbed the woman.

"We're on it ma'am", replied the first guard who had a large mustache. 

"What about the gypsy vermin? He's disappeared!" snapped the second guard.

"He's probably is halfway across the city right now. We'll look as we go." said the first guard. The two hurried off and the woman dropped her disraught facade.

"That was quite the performance Mademoiselle," said a voice behind her. She turned to see the gypsy from earlier leaning up against a building at the entrance to the nearest alley.

"Shouldn't you have run off by now? I doubt I can fake another stolen purse." The gypsy chuckled.

"You heard them. That's EXACTLY what they think I would do. The last place they'll search is the one they just left. Now may I get the name of my savior?"

"Madeleine Clement," said the woman with a curtsy. "And you are Monsieur?"

"Clopin Trouillefou at your service," the gypsy replied taking off his feathered purple hat and giving a sweeping bow. Madeleine smiled she liked him already.

"So, Mademoiselle Clement, I take it you're new to Paris?" Madeleine raised her eyebrows.

"Yes. How did you know?" Clopin shrugged.

"Not many people who live in Paris would bother helping to save a gypsy." Madeleine blinked in surprise. 

"Surely the people here don't just stand around while those who are innocent get mistreated?"

Clopin snorted.

"Did you see anyone else coming to my rescue? What you heard the guards say is the general public opinion about my people. I'm afraid your kind heart is in for a rude awakening." He gave her a slightly sad smile.

"I must be on my way now." He said, replacing the hat on his head.

"Wait! Will I see you again?" asked Madeleine. She wasn't sure why but she didn't want this to be her only encounter with Clopin. For his part Clopin looked surprised, his dark eyes searching her aquamarine ones.

"Why would you want to?" a mischievous smile came across Madeleine's face.

"I'll tell you when I see you again." Clopin grinned.

"Well, played Mademoiselle Clement. You can find me at the puppet caravan by Notre Dame tomorrow morning." Madeleine's smile brightened.

"I look forward to it."

"As do I," Clopin replied and with a final bow he disappeared down the street.  

 As Madeleine turned to head towards the bookstore she couldn't help but feel her heart flutter at the thought of seeing Clopin again she continued down the steet with a skip in her step.

Author's note: So this is the start of my first Hunchback of Notre Dame fanfiction because we don't get enough Clopin romance fic. PLEASE comment below with how you like it and want me to keep going. It's much easier to keep writing a story when you know there are people interested in it. Also I KNOW Quasi's love interest in the sequel is Madelleine but a) different (PROPER) spelling and b) It's a great french name so no matter. Clement means gentil and merciful.

The Lady and the Gypsy (Clopin x OC romance)Where stories live. Discover now