Moved to Patreon

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Hello, friend! 

If you're reading this, I will presume you either thought this book looked interesting enough to open it, or have opened it before and are coming back for another go. In either case, thank you for your interest. It's appreciated  ❤️

I also regret to inform you that this book and the rest of its series no longer live on Wattpad. They've been posted online for six and a half years, but a confluence of factors has me moving away from Wattpad nowadays, so they're just some of many books that I've migrated to a new home on Patreon. Both to protect them from AI scraping, and simply because I don't want them on Wattpad anymore. If you want the full story, I've made a post about it—link in the comments!

If you desperately want to read (or reread) this series, I'm leaving this chapter here to point you where you need to go. Follow the link in the comments and subscribe to my Ember tier on Patreon to get this full series (and more of my books) for the price of an average ebook. If that's not of interest to you, no worries. I've got plenty of free books posted on Wattpad still. Head on over to my profile at SmokeAndOranges to check them out!

Cheers, and happy reading.

-- August

Frost on the Grasslands | MOVED TO PATREONWhere stories live. Discover now