The World is Grey

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Ok, so small explanation before I start. I came up with this trope about eight months ago, but I didn't do anything about it. I found it in some notes the other day and this story came to be. 

Basically, whenever you get a certain amount of time away from death, the colors in your world start to fade. Usually it's two or three weeks of warning in this universe. No one else knows, unless you tell them, and it had never been wrong. In this story, essentially Peter is starting to just see grey instead of colors, and he doesn't tell anyone until he has a panic attack and Tony figures it out. I guess you'll just have to see what happens after those few weeks for him are up!


Peter had been acting weird, lately. It had started about a week ago, when he came to the lab and kept staring at certain things. The hologram table, the Iron Man suits, his own suit. Tony had asked what was wrong, and he shrugged the question off, turning the conversation to a science project he had to do. The billionaire had let it go, assuming something had happened on patrol or at school. He had learned the hard way not to pry with Peter, you just had to wait for him to come to you. He always did.

Currently, Peter, Tony, Sam, Rhodey, Bucky, Thor, Clint, and Natasha were all in the tower's main common room, playing poker. Most of them were betting with candy, but Tony threw some cash into the pot.

"Aw, come on!" Sam complained as Nat beat his full house with four of a kind. She dragged the twenty dollar bill and four snickers bars into her ever-growing pile, smiling slyly.

"Shouldn't have bet more."

"How are you so good at this game? You and Peter always win!" The Falcon continued, poking Peter, who was sitting at his right.

"Guess being a spider has it's advantages. I'll deal." Peter replied, grabbing the cards.

The next few rounds went on like this, until Bucky scored a huge amount of candy and cash. Peter had bet four candy bars, Natasha had matched it, and Bucky had raised it. Everyone else folded, watching as Peter and Natasha put in one more piece each.

"Geez. At least one of them is going to be broke after this." Clint observed, chuckling. He had barley lost anything so far. Peter was first, so he laid down his cards. He had a straight flush, the highest card being a queen. Natasha went next, grinning as she showed hers. She also had a straight flush, but she beat Peter by one card, her highest being a king. Bucky just rolled his eyes and put down a royal flush, the rarest hand in the game.

Everyone laughed at the two spider's miffed expressions as Bucky gained about triple his original betting candy.

"That was, like, my best hand yet! I totally could've won that round." Peter protested, pouting a bit.

"It is alright, Man of Spiders. You will win next time." Thor patted the kid's back with a chuckle.

"And next time won't be tonight. It's already twelve, and some teenagers have school in the morning. Do you want to stay here or have Happy drive you?"

"I'll stay. You did give me a whole room for a reason, I guess."

"Yep, I'd did. Night, kid."

"Goodnight, guys. I'll see you sometime soon."

He padded out of the room and disappeared into the hallway.

"He's a good kid." Rhodey said, glancing over at Tony.

"Yeah. He really is." Tony replied, still staring fondly after the kid. Soon everyone else trickled out and to their rooms to sleep, leaving Tony and Thor.

"I must return to Asgard, but I will see you later, as the Midgardians say." He strolled out, and Tony noticed he"d left his hammer sitting on the card table. He'd probably be back later to pick it up, and Tony couldn't be bothered to tell him it was here.

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