PP Part 1 - The Legendary PP Juice

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Tom stared off into the distance. He slowly lifted his hands, reaching into his pants for the golden coin. Tom grinned proudly as the audience joined in and everyone in the crowd looked extremely pleased. The person who Tom was peeing on 'Mother Nature' (a stage name) swallowed his pee in satisfaction as the crowd cheered! The crowd gasped in awe and scrambled to get a sip too. However, Mother Nature didn't let them have even a drop. He greedily inhaled the rest up his nose. As a result, he choked to death happily. The crowd asked Tom to make some more. Tom said, 'Only on one condition. You all have to pay 10 000 dollars more!'

The crowd roared in delight and threw stacks of money everywhere. Tom grinned and shouted, 'This one's for you, Y/N-chan!!!!' As he started to piss again. You gasped and gripped your lightstick tighter, watching his deliciously yellow pee stream veer towards you. Tom said, 'Uwu, I love you, Y/N-chan!' and you took off your pants and also peed at him. The two pee streams hit each other and mingled, splashing over the audience. You pulled your pants back up and touched your pp juice in glee. Tom looked up to you with gleaming eyes, as his green sparkling eyes met yours. You and Tom held hands tightly, as the crowd looked over
jealousy. But, your heartfelt bonding had inspired the rest of the crowd and everyone started to pee with each other.

'Tom, we did it!' You muttered. He beamed at you, obviously pleased.

[Part 1 End]

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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