Random 🖤

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The scene starts with two boys waking up from their sleep and smiles towards each other........

(The boys are none other than our Shikshit)

Another scene Seen Shikshit were presenting a rose each to Drishti by sitting on their knees.

Drishti smiles and took the rose from them and ran away.....

Next scene Shikshit were seen removing their tears and spots Drishti sitting with them on a pillar of a huge building laughing teasing each other ......

They become disheartened 💔

Shrugging off their feelings 🤷 they started moving and spotted a restaurant.

Duo were hiding and waiting for a Drishti who is coming on their way with a beautiful smile playing on her lips. They took a glimpse of her

They again hid themselves to surprise her but she surprised them instead by knocking pressing Their shoulders from behind.....

Another scene is shown

Duo shouted happy birthday Drishti, who is unaware of their presence sitting alone in a corner on a swing chair.

Immediately Drishti turned back but spotted none she moved from chair and started advancing towards a table with a cake and surrounded with balloons.

She turned back confusingly and started chewing her nails and her eyes spotted the things on the wall which is none other than the pictures of Rakshit and Shikhar with garlands...

Drishti bent down on her knees as she felt weak and hugged the birthday balloons and started crying bitterly.....

Duo sighed sadly

The last scene is a flashback in which the trio were enjoying in car singing and talking when all of a sudden their met with an accident and boom crashing sound.........


The story is incomplete maybe in some sense but not all stories had a end.

Not editting

It's utter non sense but can't help writing it...
I wanna write it since a long time but don't get the time today sparklexqueeen__ insisted me to write one so here it is ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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