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Kentrell  has wanted to get this tattoo for almost two years now. After he started college and got to meet new people, everything unknown stopped being something he feared. He explored new things, he learned to do whatever he wanted without worrying about what the rest of the world thought.

Getting a tattoo is one of those things he's had in his mind for a while. He's waiting long enough. He's hesitated and stopped himself several times but he really wants to get one now. That's the reason as to why he's standing across the street from a tattoo store, preparing himself to cross over and get that tattoo he so much wants. He knows what he wants, he'd had a friend make the design for him. It's just words, but they hold such a meaning for him.

Today is the day. It's late, he's drawn it out far too much and he doesn't want to any longer. Nodding to himself, he walks across the street and makes his way into the shop, instantly looking around, fascinated by all the paintings on the walls. There's music playing in the background and everything seems so attractive to Kentrell 's curious eyes but after giving a quick glance, they fall to the boy sitting behind the counter, his dark eyes already staring back at him.

He tilts his head to the side, curiosity filling his features, until a smile takes over his lips and he leans his forearms on the space in front of him. Kentrell  gulps as he walks under the boy's intense gaze. He's handsome. His dark dreaded hair is short, strands falling in front of his face. There are tattoos swirling all over his right arm, from the back of his hand to his forearm and disappearing under his short sleeved shirt. Kentrell  won't pretend he doesn't find him attractive. He's good looking and his smile is making him pretty nervous.

"Wassup, pretty boy," he greets, once Kentrell  arrives in front of him. He's still leaning over the countertop, expression curious. "Do you have an appointment?"

Kentrell  blinks back at him for a whole few seconds, trying to process his words properly. There's just something about this guy calling him pretty boy. It makes his heart beat faster. But he ignores it and clears his throat.

"I didn't know I had to get an appointment," he says, his voice low and hesitant.

The tattooed boy smiles and finally leans back, folding his arms over his chest. Oh. He's tall. Kentrell  tilts his head the slightest bit back to be able to look into his eyes.

"It's almost closing time and you don't have an appointment," he says, shaking his head and tsking his tongue. "What shall we do with you, hm?"

Kentrell  feels his cheeks heat up. Well, it's his first tattoo. Was he expected to know all about this? He doesn't have many friends who like tattoos, after all.

"It's my first tattoo," he replies, trying to appear calm and unfazed, despite the rapid beating of his heart. He's not sure if it's because he's nervous about his first tattoo or if it's because of this stranger's deep stare. "Maybe you can make an exception for me?"

Tattooed boy quirks an eyebrow, but his lips are spreading in a smile.

"First tattoo, huh?" He asks. "What do you have in mind? Sounds interesting enough that I'm willing to stay late for you, pretty boy."

Kentrell  smiles, despite his nervousness. He knows that if he doesn't get it done today, then he'll continue to put it off until he gains enough courage again. Today has to be the day. Hopefully he's lucky and the boy decides to tattoo him despite it almost being his closing time. He takes out the drawing and shows it to him. It's on a piece of paper that takes a few seconds to unfold and he nibbles on his lower lip as the boy watches over it.

"Seems easy enough," he says, after inspecting it. "Give me a few seconds to draw it out for you to see? Do you want it big?" He asks.

The tattooed boy's eyes are focused on his as he asks his question and it's a simple question but for some reason, Kentrell 's brain makes him think there's some sort of sexual innuendo behind it. He swallows down the lump in his throat and punches himself internally because the stranger is still looking at him calmly, clearly not referring to anything sexual. God, Kentrell  is really a mess.

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