A Delivery Order, an Anniversary, and Celebrity Gossip

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Yakko Warner carefully finishes brushing the oil on the taiyaki pan, fills up the mold about ¾ of the way, 

Yakko Warner carefully finishes brushing the oil on the taiyaki pan, fills up the mold about ¾ of the way, 

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drops the anko in the center, then pours more batter on top of it,

drops the anko in the center, then pours more batter on top of it,

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then closes the lid, flipping it immediately.

Then he smiles as he checks the time, hearing his younger brother Wakko belching out an original song

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Then he smiles as he checks the time, hearing his younger brother Wakko belching out an original song.

He stops by their father William, who jokes to him, “Votre petit frère n'est pas tout là, n'est-ce pas?”

Wakko notices them talking, and turns to them, tongue hanging out, “What?”

William gestures to the stove, “We have taiyaki cooking. One more belch and they’re going to be overcooked.”

Wakko snorts, “Laugh all you want, but when I’m famous, you’re gonna remember being a naysayer.”

William retorts, holding up a few envelopes, “Who’re you calling a naysayer? Once you’re famous, you can pay these all by yourself.”, then slapping them on the counter.

Yakko slyly grabs a pair of oven mitts, moving back to the stove to pull out the other taiyaki as Wakko asks, “Can I have the keys to the truck?”

William shoots him down, “Absolutely not. Yakko needs it for the wedding!”

Wakko moves to help Yakko, holding open the lid as he informs their dad, “No he doesn’t! I’m taking that job!”

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