Jail Love

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Green Stone Facility- Facility for prisoners with serious or too many charges who also have mental disorders. Inmates are transferred from prison to the facility where they will stay in a single room. If inmates have a certain amount of points for good behavior they can have other inmates male or female depending on the amount of points in there room and even sleep in the room with them if they have enough.

Kangaroo Court- If someone does something like steal, snitch, disrespect the pod boss, many more things as well they go to kangaroo court where a prisoner who's called a judge determines if they're guilty or not and how long the beating should last. If they are guilty another prisoner called a punisher will beat the inmate the entire chosen time by the judge and the guilty inmate can't hit back. While this happens a Timer times the beating for example if the judge says five minutes the timer will count all the way up to five minutes while the punisher beats the inmate for those five minutes.

Timer- Times the beatings.

Punisher- Gives the beatings.

Judge- Decides if guilty or not and gives amount of time the guilty will be beaten.

Saint-(Not his real name in the book)

25Multiple murder countsAssault with deadly weaponAssault on an officerAnger issuesIED JudgePunisher SociopathOn meds: Carbamazepine, anti depressants Inmate number-636(might forget it and change it)

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Multiple murder counts
Assault with deadly weapon
Assault on an officer
Anger issues
On meds: Carbamazepine, anti depressants
Inmate number-636(might forget it and change it)

Ivy-(not her real name in the book)

23Multiple murder countsGrand theftAssault with a deadly weaponSigns of DID(Dissociative

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Multiple murder counts
Grand theft
Assault with a deadly weapon
Signs of DID(Dissociative. Identity disorder) but doesn't have it.
Often times has childlike behavior.
Punisher and Timer
On meds: SSRIs, anti depressants
Inmate number-323(Might forget is and change it)

Red-Aerial Collins

23Multiple Murder chargesGrand theftAssault with deadly weaponPunisherAnger issuesBipolar disorder On meds: SSIs, Anti depressants Inmate number-221(might change it if I forget)

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Multiple Murder charges
Grand theft
Assault with deadly weapon
Anger issues
Bipolar disorder
On meds: SSIs, Anti depressants
Inmate number-221(might change it if I forget)

Blu(pronounced blue)-Tyson Andrews

24Multiple murder countsAssault with a deadly weaponRobberyJudge PunisherAnger issuesBipolar disorder On meds: SSIs, anti depressants Inmate number-424(might change it if I forget it)

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Multiple murder counts
Assault with a deadly weapon
Anger issues
Bipolar disorder
On meds: SSIs, anti depressants
Inmate number-424(might change it if I forget it)

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