Love Bite? (an EXO one-shot)

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Megan 's POV

It's halloween right now at our school. We are having a party today. And one thing i can't stand is by looking at the newcomer from our school, i want to meet him. I want to introduce myself to him. My eyes wandered around the hallway to see if someone was watching me. After that, i went back at looking at the guy. He was indeed handsome. I can feel myself drool. No one's with me. Right now, i'm eating at the cafeteria, staring at the guy with black and shaggy hair; Byun Baekhyun. It's like i was cast on a spell on something. By 23 minutes i've been staring at him. I was drawn by his beauty and sense.

Maybe it's the way he was dressed. He was not like the other students that walked passed the hallway with mummy, kpop idols, vampire, werewolf, and a fairy costume.

He was wearing a red velvet with leather black shoes and around his neck was a silver necklace hanging. It was more like a diamond shape, but it isn't. It looks more like "LIGHT"

Suddenly, i froze when he tilt his head on me and stared on my dark brown eyes. I froze for a second and couldn't even breathe. He caught me! But i can't look away. My eyes were staring on his and his stared on mine. His eyes were dark red, contacts? Maybe... And it's............... glowing?

Then, he smiled at me! The most sweetest smile i've ever seen! I can feel myself blushing and looked down. But when i looked up back, he was gone!!

I searched around the cafeteria but there was no sight of him. I frowned.

"Ann-e-yong!" A male voice whispered in my ear.

I jumped out of shock letting out a gasp. And when i tilt my head. He was here!! Right in front of me!! Face-to-face!!!

My heart was pounding and i start to blush but i held it in. The lights made his body glow and his lips were pale.... But it looked like paper white. His eyes were red as rose and i replied with a shaking voice "You gave me a fright there, aight?"

He grinned and said "Sorry bout that," his voice made my spine ring and he reached out his hand towards mine and said "My name is Byun Baekhyun. You are?"

I reached my hand and smiled. "I'm Megan." When i touched his hand, it was cold. It was like i was touching some ice. He stared at me and put down his hand. "Are you cold?" I asked

"No, no i'm not" he replied. And suddenly he looked sad. And i felt guilty that i asked the question.

"I'm sorry... I was just-" i said but nothing came out. I could 't say a word with him staring at me like that.

"What did you say you were dressed up as again?" I asked, changing the topic completely.

"I didn't" he replied

I was confused and he leaned towards me "Ya hungry?" As he let out a smirk.

I was shaking and there was silence. My heart was thumping loudly and loudly. "Are you scared?" He asked out of no where

"I-I guess so... How'd you know?"

"I can sense it." He replied "Why are you scared?"

"I..... I don't know" i lied. Of corse i know! I was afraid because maybe i might fall for him.... I mean literally fall for him!

"Don't be scare of me..." He whispered to my ear. "I won't hurt you, but you look at me like..... Like i was a monster!!"

Suddenly i felt like i was afraid. And i was trembling with grief

"Be with me..." He said

"I will be..." I whispered on his ear

He kissed my lips and suddenly i felt like i was in heaven! Then suddenly he let go. And put his mouth on your neck. And suddenly

*crunch* you can feel him sucking on your neck, sucking your blood

And that's when you realized, you are a vampire.

The End!

[A/N: i dedicate this to @obliviousnessofgray since she has AWESOME BOOKS!! She is my Idol! And i love her, i hope she read this <3]

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