My heart at your doorstep

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It had been almost a month since Team came to this town. His family was poor and his dad was sick. His mom was engaged on the farm all day long and he even had a little brother who needed to go to school and be fed and taken care of.
The only other option was to send Team to the town so he could atleast work and feed himself (if there would be any money left after that, he was required to dutifully send it back to his family).
At first it was very hard for him. He had spent a few nights in a cramped hotel that he could still barely afford . No one really trusted a new face so  he had to go from door to door asking for any and every job to atleast feed him for three more days.
He would figure out the rest later.

On the third night, he was kicked out of the hotel for not being able to pay the rent.
Sad , hungry and penniless, he had walked into the only shop that drew his attention at that time. Although the blinds were pulled down and there was the closed sign hanging right outside, he could still hear the strange hum - a murmur of people , laughing, feasting  coming from inside. The place was throbbing with life .
He had decided to ask the owner if he could spend the night in the basement and have a little bread for the night and he could pay him by helping out in the morning.

The shop looked old. The exterior was wooden and plain looking like most of the shops on the street but the door had a charismatic olive green colour  which drew his attention. The door opened with a jingle and suddenly he found himself standing in the midst of a dark room. There was no source of light another than a lamp nearby and in that faint glow , he could make out another door. He could see the light from underneath the door and the hum just got louder. There were distinct whispers, hoots and the sound just pulled him closer and closer.
Before he knew, he stood with his palms clasped on the doorknob and pushed the door open.
What he saw next, he wouldn't want to remember for a lifetime. Just as he was about to scream out and run away, he felt a palm against his mouth, and a hand around his waist.

"Shh baby you're safe" the man whispered into his ears and his unconscious body slouched against his.

"Sorry for the interruption gentlemen. Please enjoy yourselves," the man smiled at the crowd as he picked the boy up in his arms and turned round.

"Piki please make sure no one comes upstairs? If you need help , ring my bell please"

"Woof!" piki responded back.


When Team woke up, he yelped at the pair of eyes staring right into his face.

He was about to scream again but he was shut with a gigantic lick on his face. Beside his bed was the biggest, furriest and sleepiest looking dog Team had even seen. He was wagging his tail at him so hard, Team was scared it might fall off so perhaps it wasn't that sleepy or just had drunk droopy eyes.

"You're up" came the voice next and Team was ready to jump once again as he was faced by the most gorgeous man he had seen in his lifetime.

He had long blonde hair tied up high in a bun and a white flimsy shirt with puffed sleeves rolled.up till his elbows with a low cut reaching almost to his midrib, and khaki coloured pants with suspenders .
Team had to gape for a good three seconds.

"I-yeah-where am I?" Team said looking at the guy in front of him, hopefully. He couldn't be more than a few years older than him but he looked so pretty, Team was mesmerized. He had long dangling ear rings and an assortment of rings fitted with bright gems on most his fingers.

"You -umm- fainted outside my door so I had to bring you in. I'm Win by the way" he said , smiling, as he set a tray of cookies and a jar of piping honeyed milk by the bedside.

"You look famished, so I thought I should-get you some food"

"Thank you so much. I-I don't know how I fainted here and caused so much trouble. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. I remember walking around the Avenue street and uh- I don't know- I can't remember ugh- I'm so sorry- and and thank you for the- for the food. I was really hungry, yes" he said, quickly picking up the tray and setting it on his lap.

He picked up one of the cookies and they smelled so fresh and we're even a little soft, he could tell  they were just out of the oven. He took a big bite and a gulped some of the milk and didn't even realise he had tears rushing down his eyes as how delicious the food tasted.

"Hey are you okay?" Win asked, sitting beside him,concerned  and Team nodded with a mouthful "I-I am. It's so good" as more tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Aw eat up all you want. I have more food. I have cupcakes too. Wait I'll get your more. Eat up kid"

Team didn't even pay attention to what the man was saying anymore. He had Team at 'food' and now  the man rushed down to get him some more.
He was so hungry, he still didn't know where he was or who this man was but he was feeding him for now and would probably even let him stay for the night. He seemed kind so that's all it mattered.

He was busy stuffing his mouth when he heard little whimpers coming from beside the bed and he turned to see the same big dog looking at him, expectant.
"Oh boy, you're hungry too, aren't you? Here you go" he said holding out one of the cookies as the dog licked it carefully once and then bit all into it, dropping some crumbs on the bed, that Team quickly dusted off as he got down to pet him.

"Your master won't scold you right? You seem like a good little boy, you're so fluffy and cute, you know you scared me earlier " Team cooed in baby voices as he pet the dog and ruffled his fur but stopped dead in his tracks when he heard a distinct 'm sorry didn't mean to'

He stared back at the face he was holding his palms and did a double take.

"Hey I got you some cake" Win said from the doorway but his expression morphed into one of concern when he saw the bewildered look on Team's face.

"Your dog talks Hia Win?!" Team said looking between the master and the pet, (who too exchanged some knowing looks between them)

"What rubbish" Win laughed as he walked into the room "I think you might have a concussion kid "

"No" Team protested firmly "I'm not a kid for one, and I clearly heard him say 'sorry didn't mean to' I swear I'm not lying."

Win smiled as he ruffled the younger's hair and helped him back onto the bed "I think you're tired. I don't even know your name. Eat this first , come on"

"I erm- I'm Team " he said helping himself to a slice of buttery cake.

"That's a cute name. Where do you stay Team. I suppose I could drop you home it's already late and it wouldn't be safe around. Do you live in this locality? I don't think I've seen you before"

Team gulped down his food, then looked up at him, dead serious in the face.
"Actually I was wondering if you could let me stay here for the night."

Follow me on ig guys, it's a WINTEAM fanart account: kookie_di_Angelo and I post my artwork too.

Also Am, from Twitter made this amazing avatar for me. She makes the best winTeam fanart literally you can find her on twitter. Link in the comments

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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