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Leah POV
I woke up to Sammy not here in bed so I look at my phone and see Britt send me a text saying that Sammy and her in Jacksonville for aew I get up and took a shower and got ready for today I put some music on and shower when I got out the shower I dry my self of and walk out in me and Sammy room with my towel on and pick out a outfit to wear I pick this out this white crop top and savage white and blue pants with some white shoes

Leah POVI woke up to Sammy not here in bed so I look at my phone and see Britt send me a text saying that Sammy and her in Jacksonville for aew I get up and took a shower and got ready for today I put some music on and shower when I got out the sh...

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Leah:Ok I am done let's get some food and coffee
I went down the stairs with my phone and go in the kitchen and make some pancakes and coffee then my phone rung it was Britt so I answer

Leah:Hey Britt

Britt:Hey what you doing

Leah:Making pancakes and coffee

Britt:Did you get my text

Leah:Yeah I did (Eating my pancakes)

Britt:I wish you can come with us to aew

Leah:I can not because I have to get ready for
Wrestlemania 37 for my title and I have to get my hair done

Britt:Ok I will call you before my match against Brandi with Allie by her

Leah:Ok by and tell Sammy if you see him to call me
Britt:Ok bye wifey
Leah:Bye (call end)
I put my plat in the sink and wash it and my coffee mug and but them away after that I get my car keys and my phone that was in my white Gucci backpack that Sammy buy for my birthday and walk outside and lock the house after that I walk to the car and drive to Sasha house she is doing my hair and I start the car then I play without me but my phone rung and see it was Sammy
Leah:Hey babe
Sammy:Hey Britt said to call you
Leah:Yeah is she around you
Sammy:No I in the inner circle locker room why
Leah:Because I am flying down there
Sammy:You are
Leah:Yes became I know The bunny Allie is going to interview the match and to surprise her
Sammy:Ok tell me when you are at here you can hide in the inner circle locker room
Leah:Ok bye see their
Sammy:Bye love
Leah:Love bye baby (end call)
Wait I have to call Sasha tell her to dye my hair Wrestlemania weekend
Sasha:Hey sis
Leah:Hey can you do my hair wrestlemania weekend
Sasha:Ok see you Saturday morning
Leah:Ok thank you  because I am going to see Britt
Sasha:You are that is cool but I have to go because I have a meet in greet now love you bye le le
Leah:Bye sis love you bye (call end)
I turn around and head to the airport 2 minutes later I am on the plane to go Jacksonville Florida I put my headphones in and watch basketball wifey of Atlanta season 9 and watch that for 1 hour then are plane land in Florida well Jacksonville and get of the plane and run outside fast and get in a Uber so people do not see me that I am here and I tell the driver we're to go after 2 minutes I got here and call Sammy I am here
Leah:Hey I am here let me in
Sammy:Ok you see me
Leah:Yes coming (End call)
I pay my Uber and ran to Sammy he let me in and he gave me his black sweatshirt so I can hide and ran to the inner circle locker room
Sammy:We are here now
Leah:Finally (Will taking the sweatshirt off and give to Sammy)
Chris:Samm-y LEAH
They hug each other
Chris:What are you doing banks
Leah:Came to surprise Britt and Sammy but mostly Britt
Hager:Well her match is next
Leah:She going to call me
My phone rung and I see wifey that is Britt
Leah:It is her Hey Britt
Britt:Hey I going on now
Leah:Yeah me and Sasha are watching you now
Britt:Ok I have to go now bye
Leah:Ok good luck bye Britt
Britt:Thank you bye
Leah:Bye (Call end)
Chris:Well me and Hager are going to find the other to bye
Sammy:bye Chris and Hager
Leah:bye Hager and Chris
Chris and Hager left me and Sammy watch Britt vs Brandi with Allie Sammy went to the bathroom and I seen Britt made her entrance and Brandi with Allie (skip near the end of the match)
Britt was outside the apron and Allie took Britt foot and swing backwards then I get up and ran to the entrance and run out there and attack Allie and Brandi got districted and Britt roll her but and Aubrey count
Aubrey: 1.2.3 ring the bell
her theme song play and I stop attacking Allie and walk up the stairs and Britt ran over to me and hug me and I raise her hand and walk back stage
Britt:You said that you can not come
Leah:Well I was not going to but I know that Allie was going to attack you after the match so I came just in case she does
Britt:Well thank you for come to save me
Leah:Your welcome
Britt:Well I am going to shower see you later
Leah:See you later Britt bye
I then walk to the inner circle locker room and open it and see the dress for there match
Leah:Well I see you guys look nice
Inner circle:Thank you
Leah:Well you guys have fun I going to eat food
Chris:Come out with us
Leah:Ok I will go out with you guys to the ring
Ortiz:Well let's go then
We all walk down the the entrance and wait for there music to hit
Sammy:You ok baby
Leah:I am fine
Then there music play

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