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jisung loved his older brother, jiseok, greatly.

he loved how he was always there for him, being the good role model for him that his own father wasn't. if anything, jiseok became a parental figure to him as well. he taught the differences between right and wrong, taught him to tie his shoes, cooked food for him, and helped jisung whenever his homework was too hard. he drove him to school before heading off to his own.

jiseok taught him about his changing body as he grew into a teenager, how to be a good person... things your parents should do. jisung, in turn, gave him all the love he could to him, letting him know almost everyday that loves him. even when they have stupid fights over things, they always make up with a brotherly hug.

jiseok even promised him when he earns enough money from his job, he'll buy his own house and they can move out together and live there. jisung made him pinky swear so he couldn't take back the promise. jiseok connected their pinky fingers, saying he won't ever let his little brother down.

it was like any other day when jiseok was driving jisung back him from dance class, their laughter filling the car as they headed back home as the moon and stars shone down upon them against the black sky. music was playing from the radio, but you could barely hear it over their happiness.

"what do you want me to cook tonight?" jiseok asked as their laughter finally died down, which was hard since they thought jiseok's dumb joke was that funny.

"can we eat out?" jisung asked hopefully. "please, hyung?"

"we haven't in a while..." jiseok said thoughtfully, turning onto the right path towards home. "sure, one time this week. you need to eat healthy, homemade food."

"i know, hyung," jisung rolled his eyes as he settled back properly into his seat. he could almost smell that one good fast food place's scent, even when they were nowhere near it. he's been so there so many times over the years altogether, which was usually two or three times throughout those years since jiseok didn't really like fast food and preferred his little brother to eat his healthier, cooked food.

the night went on normally, jiseok humming along to the song on the radio as he drummed his fingers against the black stirring wheel. jisung always thought his hyung had an amazing voice and once he even suggested he could be one of those k-pop idols the kids at his school gush over.

he remembers jiseok shaking his head, saying he wouldn't have time for him anymore if he became an idol and he wanted to be with his brother more than anything. jisung was touched by that comment.

looking away from his phone, the youngest of the two smiled at his brother's calm, happy look on his face. jisung wanted nothing more than to always be with him, too.

suddenly, another car rammed into them from behind. jiseok's eyes widened in shock, the car swerving before going off the road, turning over onto it's side from the force. it rolled down the hill at a fast pace, and jisung could barely tell what was going on anymore as the pace of his heart picked up.

something hit him right in the head and all he saw was white light.

soon, the white faded, the face of a boy growing clearer and clearer. soon, jisung recognised it as jiseok, back when he much younger than he was now.

his dark brown hair was much longer then, pulled back into a small ponytail on the back of his head, his lips curled into a soft smile. "are you okay?"

his voice wasn't as deep as it was now.

"no," jisung sniffed, shaking his head with tear-stained cheeks as tears continued to fall down them. "mummy and daddy don' love me."

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